Looking for a guild

Hi everyone. Pretty fresh level 70 resto/ele shaman and looking for a guild. I just came back after about 2 years away and getting caught back up. Looking for a guild that I can work to get some gear with, learn the dungons and raids, and earn a raid spot with.

Also greatly prefer voice chat to typing in game so prefer a guild that is active in discord as well.

I enjoy some pvp, although i am terrible at it, and achievements, pets all that stuff too.

Hey we would love to have you, we are a pretty casual raiding/m+ guild. im not gonna promise the world but if your looking to socially pvp and raid we can help you. Enigmas of Mischief: Newly formed guild looking for adults who want to socialize while working towards common goals of casual pluses and raiding! Friday 8-we drop sat 8-till we drop more to be announced currently 7/8 n
Feel free to reach out to me on BNET:unkeptyogi#1144
Discord: h2jigoytpeknu#6412

Hey Hono, I think we would be a good fit. Take a look at our spam and let us know!

Hey what’s up check us out at