Looking for a guild WW main with /aug/resto alts

Hello I am looking for a casulish guild. I work retail so I cannot commit to any real schedule but I play quite a bit. I pugged AOTC and KSM in seasons 1&2. WW currently 466.
Feel free to PST me in Game- Dblank

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Hi Dblank - We are full for our main Season 3 raid team - but starting up a Normal raid team on Thursday evenings at 8:30 p.m. ET. that will eventually evolve into Heroic once our Alts are geared.

We also have a lively Mythic+ scene and host Fun Events each week! If you would like to learn more about our vibe and have any questions - add me on Discord! :slight_smile:

Discord: Devonellah#0195 or devonellah

You can also Click here to see our full recruitment post :slight_smile: