Looking for a Guild (tank)


I am an AQ40 geared tank and am looking for a new guild that better fits my schedule. I have experience being both a MT and OT for the lower raid tiers. My character is ready for Naxx progression and I am looking for a competent team to join to do Naxx Progression with. I also have a baron binding and would like to join a guild willing to support me through binding runs, etc so I can craft Thunderfury. I would pay for my transfer to join your team. Let me know if you are interested and we can talk more on discord. Alliance. Thanks.

Add my discord Grassmonkey#0001

Are you horde or alliance?

Alliance, edited the posting

Check us out bud, I think you’ll be a perfect fit: [A] [BENEDICTION] <STING> T/TH Morning & Evening Teams LF 1xMT 1xDPS 1xHeal

We have a spot for a DPS warrior if you are interested. Tues/weds from 8-11 Central. Thomar#3875 on discord. 10/15 naxx