Looking for a good high pop realm for TBC

Plan on making a few characters both horde and alliance curious as to which realms are decently populated with an active environment any suggestions.

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Alliance Benediction

Horde Faerlina



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What the homie Frodie said


How good is Whitemane Horde?

Horde Mankrik is solid.

It’s pve as well so you can make Alliance on the same server, but uh, there is basically no end game Alliance on Mankrik so it’d need to just be an alt that’s for fun.

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For alliance, benediction(pvp) is popping. People looking for raids, dungeons, bg premades and arenas all the time.

Pagle(pve) is also a good choice. I have toons on both. Though it’s lacking in bg premades and little to no arena scene. So if you want to even knock out 10 games a week so you can get “easy reduced” arena gear at the end of the season, it might be a little challenging to find consistency.

I’m in the process of leveling horde on faerlina(pvp), but only level 10 so I can’t say. Chat is as wild as benediction so that’s a really good sign.

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Alliance Pagle is the place to be. Not as big as Bene but enjoys much less toxicity.


You are gonna need to roll Horde or on a PvP server since the largest Alliance PvE server has ~6k logs

Pagle, benediction and classic era pagle are all good. Though if you want a bit of advice I would recommend you make an alt to be ready for wrath, space goats are universal for pve and human best for pvp in wrath.

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