Long time feral mains, what do you miss?

  • Legion Brutal Slash.
  • Cataclysm Swipe (and also WOTLK too, but iirc Cata Swipe did so much damage, though the spec was far more energy starved / it cost more energy - but I’d much rather this than current Swipe spam that doesn’t feel meaningful). This is probably why I liked Legion Brutal Slash so much, it gave me a similar feel.
  • Savage Roar snapshotting.
  • Leader of the Pack - feeling like you truly bring something unique.
  • Play Dead - Hunter symbiosis in MOP.
  • Stampeding Roar only being for Cat/Bear (though iirc it may have originally been for all Druid specs and later changed to only Ferals).
  • Being able to off-tank more effectively.

But above everything:

  • Bleeds doing damage.
  • Sabertooth not existing / not being viable/forced.
  • Spinning plates gameplay.
  • I miss Feral CD’s being fairly meh and being kings of consistent damage - yes you heard me, this current iteration where so much damage comes from pressing one button (Convoke) with no skill to it at all, and also Berserk (Shred-Bite-Shred-Bite is so boring). I hate CD-reliant classes (e.g. look at Boomkin this xpac, or Rets in general).
  • Feral not being such a heavy RNG spec (and having extremely minimal RNG) - AKA before Convoke. Now my openers can do anywhere from 30k-80k (some being 3-5x the strength of others, and so much of our damage coming from it, all because Convoke was designed to be an extremely random slot machine rather than more deterministic).
  • Tiger’s Fury actually feeling like a mini-CD: energy means far less now and with that, TF has fallen off - similarly, bleeds are so much weaker now its snapshot value has also dropped off.

Instant clone


I like the newer snapshotting myself, because I was bad at the old snapshotting :smiley:

Power shifting, Claws of Shrivallah, Instant Clone (would be op right now)

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oh my god yes. I loved feral treants. When they first released they stunned and were so op hahaha


When travel form worked in Warsong Gulch – prowl in, take flag, dash out, travel form back to base – rinse and repeat. I have to admit that I enjoyed that for much longer than I should have. It is what got me playing druids, and kept me playing them until I took a break when WoD came out. I came back to the new feral druid. The new druid is kind of an abomination with terrible damage and survivability compared to the before times.

Natures Grasp,

FF with armour reduction as original,

Maybe bit too strong but fear immunity during berserk like original,

Maybe thorns back in as general talent tree rather then pvp talent in DL,

Leader of the pack baseline for feral.

And removing the damn tearing paper sound from abilities.


Yes! OMG yes! I hated the sounds when they changed. Drove me crazy. Most of them used to sound like big cat roars and growls, or simple things that fit better with the feel of pressing that ability. Wish they would revert back.

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