Long time experienced player returning for new Expacs

I have played wow for most of my life since I was a kid. I have experience in mythic raiding and have done a lot of pvp. During legion until now I have not had the time / stability to play as consistently as I would like to but have Ahead of the Curve from BFA and raided on a class I had never raided on before getting Mythic raid progression experience in the first tier of Dragonflight. In this progression I received praise from the raid for my ability to pick up and survive mechanics I hadn’t seen before compared to some of their current raiders. I am currently getting some characters up to speed but have only been back for a week my ilvl is not where it needs to be yet.

I am now in a place where I have a lot more free time and want to find a great place to be able to make some more friends or cool people and play WoW and maybe other games. I want to get back to the amount of time I put in pre legion. I love active discords and places where people don’t just only talk to each other when playing.

What you are getting:

A very knowledgeable, experienced, competent who is low drama and active in guilds when I find a place I belong. Someone who is happy to play other games as well as hang out and chat.

I have a few different characters to offer:


And I can transfer servers for the right guild. And play Horde or Alliance.

What I would like:

A group of interactive, low drama, competent wow players that get good progression and want to enjoy the game but still get stuff done.

Feel free to ask me any questions I am happy to chat about what I can offer or what I am looking for in a guild.

Either way, thank you for reading and I hope to hear from you soon. :slight_smile:

Hey… my guild would be prefect for you! I am going to copy and posts my post. Please send me a message in discord if you want.

:star2: Join Our Epic Adventure! :star2:

Guild Name: (A) Self Awareness

Server: Proudmoore-US

Raid Schedule:

Tuesday: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM PST
Wednesday: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM PST

About our raid: As a guild we accomplish AOTC every Season but we WANT to do Mythic but just need the people. We have a Consistency of 13 to 16 players each week, so we are only short about 4 to 6 players.

What We Offer

Midcore with a Friendly Atmosphere: We believe in having fun while slaying Dragons
Dedicated Raid Nights: Our Tuesday and Wednesday raids are focused, efficient, and full of camaraderie.
Experienced Leadership: Our Officers are super chill and willing to help anyone who wants to learn!

Recruitment Needs:

Healers: Restoration Shamans, Holy Pally, Resto Druid, or Preservation Evoker

DPS: Mage, Death Knight, Devastion Evoker, Boomkin Druid, Rogue, Windwalk Monk, Shadow Priest, Warrior,

Tanks: Warriors, Druid, Death Knight, Monk (we have Two Demon Hunter Tanks already)

Positive Attitude: We value teamwork and respect.
Discord: Mandatory voice chat during raids and used as a primary form of communication.
How to Apply: Message me on Discord: Graceffa

Let’s conquer Azeroth together!

Guild & Server: Juiced-Area52
Raid Time/Day: Fri/Sat 8pm-11pm EST
Current Progression: 9/9H 4/9M ATDH | 9/9H 3/9M ATSC | 8/8H 3/9M VOTI
Recruitment Contact:
Discord - the_justicar, or dee_vii
B-net - Judgemental#11462

Requirements: Ability to listen + speak on Discord and respond well to constructive criticism. Positive attitude. Knowledge of class/spec and fights. 90% attendance. Min/Max your toon Progression.
Needs: Any Competitive DPS!

Let me know if this is something that would interest you
Or if you wanna know more about the guild

My group is newly formed. Disbanded knights. We have been raiding since the start of DF S4. I’m trying to cultivate a group first let’s all progress together atmosphere and it has gone very well so far. We raid Tuesday Wednesday 8 to 10 CST. Our goal is all heroic awakened raids and AOTC in TWW. We could use a mage right now but I’ll accept any ranged dps. If interest message me on dc @ kingbeezus

< Boyfriends > on Tichondrius-US is a 1day Mythic progression guild that is recruiting

Raid Schedule
Wednesday 8pm - 11pm PST

About us
Fun, Efficient raid schedule with a goal of clearing a majority of Mythic raid. Our guild is backed by a proven leadership style while having plenty of social aspects like Bi-Monthly giveaways and get-together styled events.

Recruitment Needs
Any (with the new expansion upcoming, we aren’t to worried about fitting in specific classes since plenty of players will probably be open to swapping mains or playing new alts once more details are posted about the new expansion changes.

Contact Info
Contact me directly on discord @moarcookiez

Welcome back to the game Hiboukhan!

I am the guild leader of Everlasting Vengeance on Illidan. We are a mythic+ and Aotc focused guild comprised of veteran wow players. Our raid days are Wednesday and Saturday from 8:30PM to 10:30PM EST. We also have several players running various mythic keys on a daily basis!

We are not your typical big numbers guild where people get lost in the mix. We are a casual friendly guild that likes to have fun together while pushing content. We understand that people have commitments outside of the game so real life will always take priority.

We are always on the look out for more players that want to have fun and make new friends. We want people who are willing to help each other and be active outside of just the raid. My officers and I have played together for several years and so have several of our members. We are 100% drama free and aim to keep it that way!

If this sounds like what you are looking for, please reach out to me through Bnet or Discord.

Discord - Crassix
Bnet - JTMack#1968

We’re currently looking for people to fill our raid team, and run keys with. Karma Gaming is a community first AOTC guild, and we have a wonderful group of people. Please feel free to reach out!

Guild & Server: Karma Gaming-Proudmoore
Raid Time/Day: Wed 8:30-11:30, Thurs 9:00-12:30 PDT
Current Progression: 9/9H AATDH | 9/9H AATSC | 7/8H AVOTI
Recruitment Contact:
Discord: swiftshifterz, or holyhotdogs
BNET: Shadowfyre#1345 or Gilligan#1831

Hey Hiboukhan,

Your last summary sounds exactly like us.

Top 10 on the realm for Heroic S4 and we raid later and less often than most. Great group of players who love to have fun but know when it’s time to focus up. Planning to Goof around in MoP remix too.

My discord is Markwahlbear and our full nerd spam is below. Best of luck in finding a home!

My guild and raid group are looking for members (No requirement to join the guild to raid)

Raid times are Wed-Thurs, 6:30PM - 9:30 PM MST and we do M+ on Fridays. When not raiding, I run regular tmog and mount farming groups.

We’re a chill group that goes by the rule “Real life before game life”. Our goals are to get as many people that want it their M+ season mount and to get AOTC for each tier. Aside from that, we’ve got several altaholics, collectors, and achievement chasers. We’re cross faction and looking to be cross realm in TWW.

Message me in Discord at caustickreature or add me on bnet as Telestria#11570 :slight_smile: