Lone wolf doesn’t mean i never use my pet! Don’t remove pls

Just like they turned Combat rogue into bloody pirates, we had no choice. Either live with it, or change spec.

I used to main rogue until end of WotLK, Combat for Raids and Sub for PvP. Guess which two are mere shadows of what they used to be. Outlaw is absolutely atrocious. Can’t wait for them to absolutely destroy Marksmanship Hunters now.

Just cause these people don’t have the will power to not play with a pet in their “BUT MUH LONE WOLF SPEC BRAH”.

Leaving pets a part of MM, hurts nobody but their fragile egos.

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Then why does the change focus on a bird?

It gives minor dps and it’s focus is utility.

So why the bird, and why the removal of sniper shot along with making shot times take longer to cast?


survival is a spec for hunters who never liked playing hunters. you know the hunters that were always meleeing.

It makes zero sense to remove pets from MM hunters. the concept of Lone wolf already exists, just rebuild around it. Why not allow hunters the option of playing with a pet or not? It doesn’t make sense the way they remove options, both sides could be happy here, the only thing in the way is Blizzard being obtuse, I don’t even think it’s lazyness.


I remember a good deal of them running out of arrows. So thats 50% of the vanilla hunters.

Because it will forever handicap and brick the spec much like frost elementals for mages.

Agreed… not a hunter main anymore, but there definitely times when having a pet was useful. Particularly when soloing. If the new MM pet tanks that’s great, but I see zero reason to remove this…

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maybe you should reread this sentence. specifically the word ALWAYS.

How about going back to pre-Legion Survival?

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Gotta love the dismissive people who are like, “Removing stuff from the game? Limiting customization and personal preferences? Sounds great!”



Just play BM…

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Yeah, still in the camp legion survival should of been fourth spec.

Why… you didn’t play survival before… I know you didn’t explain why it deserved to exist tell me what the spec even did…

beastmaster is boring.



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You want MM to have a pet so you can afk cast at something…how is that more engaging them BM?

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Who says I didn’t?

It was a variation that focused on traps and things like explosive shot. And like many things I believe people should be allowed to play the variation of the class they enjoy. As well…

This comes off missing the point and being like ‘erm name every ability’. You are just a hostile person who is disingenuous and I don’t want to continue any discussion. You strawman everyone and seem to only focus on your meta build.


LOL what on earth kind of nonsense is this? :rofl:

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I remember when BM hunters could level up bare-handed fighting, that was taken out. Also hunters had to earn their pets trust by feeding them…how times have changed…