Lol@patch notes

no you are most definitely not.

but can shamans CC you?

yee okie. im sure you’re 1550 if that. and you have all grey parses on classic, sod, wrath and retail :rofl:

clearly just another under average sod complainer

claims to be 3k arena player

crying about boomies in SOD

You literally cannot make this stuff up

do rogues heal their team with dmg?

who is complaining? im not complaining about anything. YOU ARE lol. im saying boomies don’t need a buff. man you really have trouble reading

im also implying that everything in SoD is just fine. some are a little stronger than others but those that are weaker are stronger elsewhere. stop complaining and l2p. I will coach you for free if you really need it. lmk and il post my cord

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I am on living flame why are you talking? stop ignoring my pms. I will duel you for any amount of gold

im not even on my priest rn whatre you talking about? do you have a mental disorder or something, are you alright there dude? It’s just open discourse you should digest it in a healthy manner. anyway, whats your ign on living flame


yup, healers got it so hard on last boss having to move and press a button when they’re low on mana. thats one. one. one boss. melee have to “do mechanics” on 1st, 2nd, 4th boss. boohoo.

not “useful” till BWL and even then its only because the devs were like “lol this will be funny”
oh hey, spriests have stuns too, imagine that.

not in the middle of a fight like priests can.

theres been zero nonsense.

you havent corrected a single thing ive said, you’ve merely reinforced my points.

no this is a great place to voice my concerns.

think ill just do it on the forums instead

your obsession with spriests is super weird.

spriest and rogue dont share the same spots in pve or pvp. not even close.

I love how you just REFUSE to acknowledge the massive benefits shadow priests provide through healing, buffs, debuffs, dispels, shields, and being able to turn off shadow and go full healing. you just totally ignore how insanely good the class is in pve.

you are literally wrong with everything you say. and everything you have an opinion on could easily be solved by l2p. very odd brah :rat:

Technically buffing SS by 25% is a ranged hunter buff. Which is the best kind of correct.

But no hunter will use SS because EW does similar damage with less hassle.

Idk. I’m all for a Boomy buff. But we certainly don’t NEED it. I feel insanely strong in world PvP. And even stronger in duels/1v1.

Boomkin don’t need a buff for pvp

Arena is a meme and bringing it up makes you one.

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its so funny, you can always tell when you win because the opposition just fall over and give up.

its gotta suck knowing you have NO way refute anything i just said so youre forced to attack me and then whimper off into the night.

Even if you don’t like arena its the best gauge for skill in wow PVP.

Anyone can get r14 if you have enough time.


did we read the same patch notes?

Living flame “nerf”
and steady shot buff

if i had to bet $ on it, im sure my mythic raiding, mythic+, retail/wrath arena rating xp and classic parses are all extraordinarily higher than all of yours. therefore i should not even take your PVE/PVP opinions into consideration especially when even if i was a brand new wow-player, just off the nonsense you spew, it doesn’t take an expert to depict what you are saying is false lol…

you simply lack basic WoW knowledge and have elementary comprehension skills. You should work on those b4 coming to a forum to debate your antics

Hemohumper, please lmk i will HAPPILY refute you with a basic deepdive of our discussion and your lacking of WoW knowledge. I hate wasting my time w ppl like you but i think you earned an explanation. there’s hope for you

So which tough guy are you, the first, or the second?