Lol WoW pay to win confirmed

To be honest a person who buys carries does more damage to the game than anyone else.

Op,Iā€™m going to ask when did tier gear start dropping ?

It is pretty obvious a lot of tokens were purchased recently, but would anyone have any real numbers?

clearly you have some figures handy that back that upā€¦ right?

Do you have proof to refute?

Or do you think that people genuinely farm out their gold through the methods we had before April 2015 (sans RMT)?

Youā€™re the one asserting a positive. Itā€™s on you to provide evidence, or it can be dismissed without evidence.

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yes, i think that. iā€™ve bought one token ever, and it was just because i rolled a new character alliance side and didnā€™t feel like farming up gold to get my 262 legendary.

yeah clearly they arent buying tokens to fund these

Never watched an MDI or Wfirst so idc really how itā€™s done. Sometimes my youtube will recommend me WoW esports when Iā€™ve been up 24+ hours bc it knows it will put me to sleep, but I still opt for driving on rainy highway videos. I find it pretty annoying that you can credit card swipe Arena, M+, or Raids via carries, like a mobile gameā€¦

But, when it comes to the actual mobile game systems like ZM and exhausting campaign quests that are time gated with player power locked behind it you canā€™t skip it with a credit card or goldā€¦ WoD had rep token you could just buy.

So we can trivialize the actual content you play, but you HAVE to do the mobile game cheese factory timegates. k.

I know wow burnouts not even playing anymore with millionā€™s of gold. I know some out there canā€™t get this lol.

When I stopped playing eve a few years ago I left with over 10 billion isk. when I came backā€¦I had over 10 billion isk.

that I then made 5+ billion easily more in no time flat as I sold off crap I truly did not need. Didnā€™t miss it for 3-4 years, price spikes in current marketā€¦hell yeah I will cash out 5 billion.

My friends had a phone. Phone+ legion=big money. and WoD gold.

These people sell mythic runs when they have it on farm I doubt they spent any money on a measly 180k gold token.

They sell runs to cover the costs ā€“ not sure what a heroic run will go for after the race is over, but Iā€™m guessing itā€™s a lot.

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oh of course. i think many people here think a few million gold is a lot or that the only possible way to amass that is by buying tons of tokens.

yeaā€¦I bet they make bank on those runs, which are specifically allowed by Blizzard.

Now whether or not that means the race to world first is ā€œpay to winā€ is a fair argument if they mean pay gold to win. But honestly who cares what the .01% in the game are doing? Itā€™s entertaining to watch them solve the complexity of the fights, but does not really affect anyone else not involved in the race.

its funny cuz i never said that,

What i did say and imply is that, yes people can do that, but that takes a lot more than HURR DURRR mAke 1 mil gold in 1 mInuTe. and because of that people result to pay to win options like tokens.

for groups that can carry multiple buyers in a mythic raid clear or who can time 20s ez with a hard carry, itā€™s just about that simple

clearly they keep 100% of the gold in their guild and not give it out to the raiders.