LOL pre patch event is over

Isn’t the gear at the starting zones much better than the 252 gear we get from this event?

How amazing it would have been for them to say something beforehand. I just don’t understand their communication.

Edit: Unless I completely missed something?

Communication is not really their gig

Logged in to try and get the Mail mog. Travvelled to the Barrens for nothing

At least I can eat breakfast now

Didn’t find the invasions fun so I did them once and that was it. Mob tagging was broken when I tried it so I never really went back. I enjoyed Legion when I could help lowbies level by keeping them alive.

Cloth mogs were bleh, so I wasn’t interested in that either.

I once got sand in mine… rubbed me wrong in all the wrong places… That was when I started going commando until we deployed back to my duty station.