Logs with Crusader Enchant will be disqualified from parsing

they can enchant the weapon with something else

Don’t underestimate the dedication of the speed running groups.

You are mistaken. I personally know 40 people who spent 20~ hours farming them legitimately.

Most speed runners arent going to risk their account like that with how easy it is to get gold in SOD.

your comment is 2head copium level brother

Those weapons are probably bis until the next raids epics. Thatd be a terrible thing to do lol

Slight change that screws over 0.001%(yes, this is a made up number.) of the wow population isnt a bad thing

there’s prob 10 people total across all servers with the enchant lol

oh no, however will I play my 20 year old game now?

As a caster player, I must say:

Hmm, fascinating.

The people who would have tended to spend the gold on crusader enchants will be the most likely that would also be trying to parse, for those people, they will shift to a different weapon/enchant for their parsing runs. However WCL has to remove it so a small group doesn’t have a boost that others aren’t able to get.

For those with crusader who don’t care to parse, well the volume of people there simply won’t matter as overall its a very small group of people.

It’s been around since… 2005. People play pve competitively.

RMT lol

Can see it now…

“LF DPS, must have crusader, inspecting at mailbox pst”

I don’t mind parsing and like logging to see where you’re at but damn I hope the parse standard is DUMB low - don’t ST bosses take like 40 seconds?

i didnt say that people farm it legitimately, but the ones buying them from the ah for 3k gold a piece is what my point was. yeah i know people that have over 20k gold from BUYING it. dont know what 2head copium level means, but your comment is dumb.

LOL and? The guy asked what was meant by minigame bro.
He wasn’t mocking you.

Dude, probably 1 in 10,000 people you face will be using it, youll be ok.

Eh, you’re probably right.

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Imagine being told how to play a game by people on a website.