Logging out in combat

Seeing a pretty annoying trend of people somehow disappearing mid combat. As soon as they start to lose a fight they suddenly disappear out of nowhere.

I can only assume they are somehow exiting game.

In retail, and for some time now, when logging out in combat the character will remain logged in for a bit as to prevent exploiting. This doesn’t seem to be the case in Classic but I’ve only noticed this behavior over the last few weeks.

Has something changed?

I’m seeing people exploiting this to gank in cities like Everlook and Gadgetzan then avoid being killed by the guards by exiting game. Wtf Blizz?

Don’t they usually log back in as a ghost?

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Their BG queue popped.


i’ve noticed /camp seems to log you out instantly. people do it in raids when they see a wipe coming and they are gone, instantly, no wait time.

it is probably just a bg queue pop.


/camp can only instantly log you out if you are in a rest area and out of combat. It will give you a 20 second timer in all other circumstances.


as i literally just said, nope it instantly logs u out. seen people do it hundreds of time in combat in molten core.

There may be some bug with the “Exit Now” button, which is supposed to leave you in-game until the timer expires, but I have seen no evidence of such.

I certainly have never seen what you describe.

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Seems odd that this would be happening so frequently in places like Winterspring, while people are clearly out farming. And their BG queue just HAPPENS to pop at the exact second they need it to escape combat… Nah I think something else is happening here.

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its possible…some of them may be queue pops and some may be other things. :man_shrugging:

I had an alliance all the way out in silithus who was farming herbs, leave the game just as I was beginning combat with him. He had just been moving around seconds prior, so he wasn’t already in the process of logging out or anything. I doubt an alliance had a bg queue pop so late that he would be all the way out in silithus when it did pop, after he had been there for a while as well.

I’ve also seen this particular player exploit other things, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he was doing something this time as well.


I asked around in World chat and people are saying if you Alt f4 it’s bugged right now to remove you from game instantly. Same with alt tabbing to the launcher and opening game, since that signs you out of the main session it apparently removes your character from the world immediately.

Warlock summon?

just cuz a que pops, doesnt mean you have to take it immediately. they could be saving it incase they are going to die

I had to Alt F4 yesterday when we had a nasty lag incident where I couldn’t log out normally, and it took me out instantly. So not sure why people are saying to you that it is bugged.

Because until the recent update this wasn’t the case. If you alt f4 you stayed logged in for a while.

What update?

idk but i do this all the time. as soon as a horde player tries to gank me i pop shield wall and log off.

Just tonight, I was at the last end of a raid and Blizzard logged me out! Had to change my password to get back in. I don’t know wtf, but it pissed me off! Now I probably have to do it all over again, and the party was down one!

They are probably logging in from another window to instantly disconnect themselves