Locking "steady flight" behind Pathfinding is an accessibility issue

And to stress, once more. This is an unnecessary restriction.

Regular flying is already there. It’s not even locked behind multiple patches this time.

They are just keeping it away from us for no reason but spite that people would rather not dragonride.


It’s just sad at this point.


it is a few days you are complaining about - you will survive

And you seemed to have forgotten from WoD to Shadowlands - flying wasn’t available when leveling up at all and in most cases 9 months after.


Which if you recall was not only incredibly stupid then, the original goal for WoD was to not have flying at all.

But the pushback they got was so strong that they “compromised” with Pathfinder, which was essentially “slog thru all the content first, then maybe you earn the right to use most of your mounts.

It doesnt change the fact that now, in this future expansion, they have flying already available at the start. They just wanted to continue to be spiteful and lock static away because people didnt want to use their new shiny flying tech.

And for the record, i have no issues with dragonriding, i do not need Static. But as the saying goes, i was born at night i wasnt born last night lol. Blizzard can’t gaslight me by making claims that they want the world to be more immersive when they still allow you to skip over it from the sky.


I’ll put myself in front of the group and voice dissent on this.

I think that labeling sky riding as an accessibility issue that requires an alternative is setting a precedent that would tie the developers hands in creating new experiences for players moving forward and stagnate the game.

I think accessibility should always be an aim, but since there is no ability to provide equity (only equality) in a game where everyone has access to the same client with the same accessibility settings, I think we should acknowledge there are limitations in the steps that can be made to make accomodations without negatively impacting the overall game experience.

If static flying is given as an available alternative to sky riding on the basis of accessibility, it dissuades adding sky riding as a gameplay mechanic to encounters. While some might see that as a good thing, I don’t and I fear it will shape the dev teams attitudes and willingness to try to add new dimensions to gameplay moving forward and I worry it would stagnate the games growth and mute new experiences.


Well then at least it should impact everybody. Means both forms of flying should be locked behind the achievement. You will survive. :wink:

Seriously, why should people for who dynamic flight is not an option, because they can’t use it for whatever reason, be grounded, while others like you and me can fly around with dynamic flight, however we wish.

The lock doesn’t affect you, the removal of the lock doesn’t affect you either. I don’t get, why you’re even part of the conversation to be honest.


Because their monthly sub is worth as much as yours and they have as much right to voice their opinion as you do.

That is beside the point and you know it. Only because my sub is worth same like everyone else their sub, I don’t run around, go into topics which don’t affect me and push against it.

Think about me getting into the shaman feedback thread and tell them, that I’m against class fixes, because I like how broken their balancing is currently. “Blizz will have made that on purpose - they will have a reason for it”.
Or think about me complaining in the real world to complain accessibility additions to buildings “I don’t need it and you can just call them instead of going there if you’re in a wheelchar”.
His contributions in this thread have exactly that quality.

I don’t mean, he should be excluded, I meant I don’t get why he even participate in this thread in such a way. But hey, karens are everywhere, right?


These changes affect the entire game, so they affect him too.

This is a place to give feedback and discuss the future of the game so I’m not going to engage with you like I would in GD.

If you want to engage in insults and personal attacks I’ll just ignore you as I imagine anyone at Blizzard already has.

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I mean, even trying to make the argument “if we dont force players to use things like dynamic flight then we limit gameplay design”

But…you know….no lol. Because all it would require really is to design the quest with both dynamic flight and static flight in mind. If you need to zip from point a to point b and your mount is set to static, maybe include those little rings to spawn if your mount is static for the boost.

There are options Blizzard can look into to make it more fair for every player. But they made the conscious decision to be petty.


And you seem to have forgotten that people complained every single expansion about how long it took to unlock flying. The time gating is ridiculous and always has been. And all the reasons Blizz gave for locking flight for so long went out the window with the introduction of dragonriding.


That is the case for myself, Skyriding gives me motion sickness. In Beta, I’ve disabled Skyriding Screen Effect, it does not work. I’ve disabled Skyriding Speed Effect, it does not work. I’ve enabled the Motion Sickness option, it does nothing.

Most of us play video games for fun, this is not fun for me.


So it affects him or you in a bad way, if static flight will not be locked behind the patfinder achievement? Please elaborate.

That is not my intent, but I might react a bit irritated when he’s writing crap like that. And I won’t go into detail why right here, because it’s not what this thread is about.

There shouldn’t be any problem to just get rid of the lock of static flying. That would be already a big help to quiet a bit of players without hurting others.


I did elaborate, here’s a snippet that will lead you to the rest of my post.

That might explain, why you think it might be ok to ignore people with problems with skyriding on some occasions. My question was how it is affecting you in a bad way if blizz removes the gating of static flight to help those with trouble with dynamic flight.

Blizz could say “hey, we planned some things in [dungeons or world quests, etc] where we can’t offer an alternative” and still say “to also include people with certain disabilities, we remove requirement of the pathfinder achievement from static flight and make sure all parts of the main story quest won’t use dynamic flight elements.”
That won’t hurt you or the game in general. It’s just a simple case of being considerate.


seriously you want them to take dragon flying away for others because you have personal problems. Yours is the exact same selfish thinking that made them start this no flying business.

They advertised dragon flying from the start that is why I paid for the early access. They remove dragon flying then I ask for a refund for breach of promise. So good luck on getting blizzard to do that.

Look, I’m not here in the beta forums to debate you. I’ll fight you plenty in GD if you want, but I’m here to express my opinion on a forum for feedback for blizzard.

You’ve read my opinion and disagree with it and I don’t care. I hope that people who can make decisions that steer the course of this game at least consider it.

You misread me mate. My point was both should start the same. I would pretty much prefer both starting from day one.
Why should people who can’t use dynamic flight have to walk, while you can fly, while there is a perfectly valid solution. Either unlock both at the start or both from the achievement.

And as you did state it: You will survive.

PS: The advertisement material doesn’t say “day one”:

Explore the stunning new zones of Khaz Algar from the saddle of hundreds of in-game mounts, now with the dynamic flying capabilities first introduced in Dragonflight.


Nobody’s asked to take Dragonriding away. I don’t know why you keep trying to insinuate this.

All that’s being asked for is to remove the unnecessary gate on static flight, and make it functional in the same places as Dragonriding. This doesn’t harm you, this doesn’t affect your ability to play the game, it just helps other people. Why do you hate that?


Let me see if I can parse your logic here.

You’re worried that Blizzard will feel their hands are tied in “creating new experiences for players” if they allow normal flying without a Pathfinder, despite the fact that it’s available to everyone once they finish Pathfinder anyway, meaning all content needs to be designed with its existence in mind already (unless that content explicitly disables it). Already right now, every zone, quest, all of that has to already consider that people can just normally fly, as they will do when they unlock Pathfinder.

And that while even Blizzard have explicitly already acknowledged that Dragonriding/Skyriding has accessibility issues hence the slew of accessibility options and settings they’ve had to develop since then, and acknowledged that they need to further improve or add more, it would be discouraging to use the solution that already exists and needs no additional significant dev time?

Feel free to point me to the part where I’m either incorrect/misrepresnenting what you’re saying, or to the part where you’re making sense.

I mean, with no intended offense at the devs here, we’ve seen their intentions and efforts so far with SKyriding in encounters, and there’s no reason those wouldn’t work just as well with Static FLying, and little value being added for the sake of being Skyriding.

The idea that there’s this critical window where they’ll add something revolutionary to Skyriding, and that they can’t have encounters that work with both Skyriding and normal flying - which is kinda core to the point of allowing preferntial options in mode of flight, and that thus having to even think about it would discourage them from any dev work into expanding gameplay mechanics to encounters is … absurd. And that’s assuming the various stretches required for which we’ve seen no evidence or intent from them.