Lobster mount

I belong to a cult, we plan on feeding a lobster, helping it grow and moult until it reaches leviathan proportions, then we shall worship it.


Wait, does that mean:

A. I ain’t scurred of lobsters!
B. The lack of lobsters scare me!
C. Yikes! Lobsters scare me!

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Me too

I was really expecting a Mr. Pinchy Senior mount from WoD.

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what is WOD?

who is Mr Pinchy

A much-sought fishing rare from BC (Burning Crusade) that can reward the magical crawdad pet.

No you didn’t. You necroed your own thread.


Lobster mentality.

sigh I should have checked that before replying. Well, someone send him out to go pick up all his soul fragments.

Nah bros, the water mount we need is one that turns our legs into a fin so we can be mermen/mermaids.


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you want a zoolander mount???

Two years later



you love the flintstones dont you

No, not really.

Just needed a fun gif.


so you would like the lobster mount for u too



swimming or land mount