Lively PVP Server

Hey guys!

Haven’t really gotten too much into classic, but I’m just wondering if there is a solid pvp server to join and level a toon on. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!

Which server region are you planning on going into? Oceanic, West Coast, East Coast?

Alliance is Benediction
Horde is Whitemane

Either West Coast or East Coast. I don’t mind either one just want to play on a somewhat balanced server.

There are no balanced servers, if you try to roll a lower pop thats 50/50 then you’ll be on a dead realm and forced to pay $25 to transfer

I’m looking through the Discords of each server.

Both West Coast PvP servers are lower in population compared to the U.S. East Coast servers. Of the two servers, Mutanus appears to be the most balanced, with 393 Alliance to 331 Horde currently in the server. Nightfall on the other hand has 349 Alliance to 237 Horde.

Of the East Coast servers, Barman Shanker is the more balanced of the two, with 518 Horde to 649 Alliance. Jom Gabbar appears to be the de facto mega server if we’re going by Discord populations. Jom Gabbar has 1370 Alliance to 935 Horde.

Overall, East Coast looks to be more populated. Jom Gabbar is probably going to be the highest pop server. Mutanus might be more balanced, however. Another thing to note is that people from the RP-PvP servers of Classic are discussing making Mutanus the de facto RP-PvP server.

My recommendation is as follows: Create a Horde character, as there is overall a higher amount of Alliance, so be part of the solution, not the problem. Of these servers, if you go West Coast, Mutanus is probably the best choice, with the most faction balance. Of the East Coast servers, Jom Gabbar if you want a very populated server, Barman Shanker if you want a slightly more balanced server but lower population.

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Good call on being part of the solution. I do plan to play SoM, and I want to play the lesser populated faction. However, I should have been more specific. I was asking if there is a good TBC PvP server to level a toon on right now that is decently populated?

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Oh, for TBC, go to This website gives you data on how the server populations look.

Unfortunately, high pop balanced servers are becoming a thing of the past. If you want a high pop server, Benediction is the Alliance server, and Faerlina and Whitemane are both solid Horde choices.

If you want a balanced server, be Alliance on Thunderfury, Horde on Windseeker, or Alliance on Ashkandi. These three servers are the most balanced, but they are probably around the low to medium population range, which might make finding groups difficult.


Grobbulus horde if you are ok with a bit of RP. It’s the safest choice out there. The alliance overpopulate but the horde are on here are less likely to leave as there aren’t other populated RP servers. So play horde and you’re good.

I care about this. There were other options before but for now, it’s the best I’ve found.

Edit: I’m leveling an alt on Grobb horde and the leveling is good, there are quite a few other horde around. 4.5k raiding horde is a good number. I recommend it to anyone who wants to play on an actual PVP server and not a “PVP server” with only one faction like Whitemane and Benediction are becoming.


You should play a server with a high population and not worry about faction balance since it isn’t really possible to find one. World PVP is dead anyway especially levelling because of boosts so your best bet is

Don’t join lowpop servers

Depends on what you’re looking for, but if you have a few minutes, I’d recommend rolling a toon on Faerlina and checking out our Dungeon Leveling community, if you like running dungeons at level.

Grobbulus is at 11-12k population, has been active since day 1. Its 60/40 with Horde being the 40. Was THE WPVP server for both Classic and beginning of TBC, now that people are kinda getting bored of TBC its quieted down a bit, but still busy.


Horde is Faerlina lol

Sounds like that’s where I’ll roll a toon. I don’t mind being on the less populated side. :grin:


faerlina is a BR server

pvp servers are 1 faction meme servers
at least there’s people to play with

Horde are lower population on Grobb but we aren’t dominated in my experience. Do whatever I need to do in Skettis without issue. Captured towers in Terokkar last night. But there are still Alliance around if you want to pick a fight.


in all honesty, i hate to break the bad news to ya but there is no such thing as wpvp anymore. its all dominated by one side nowadays. if youre looking for wpvp good luck on any realm. but if you want to find groups and do arena and premades for pvp go to bene for alliance. thats where i am. server got ruined from alli xferring over to bene after they heard we kept the horde under control… but if youre rolling horde faerlina or whitemane should be your move. ironforgepro is a good pop website to look at btw if you did not already know

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