When do we get a new warfront? Will every zone have one?
PUG life means I’m just not going to kill Rastakan for a month. We likely won’t get a new warfront for months. I feel like ToV is a waiting period even if I did kill Rastakan now until probably April. Time to power down for awhile, perhaps.
Are there any plans to make chests found in the world not completely worthless? I go out of my way to avoid them right now. In Legion, they actually felt rewarding. Could we have that again please?
Do you plan on changing the war mode quest that grants heroic item level gear for one faction only giving them a clear advantage?
The quest “Against Overwhelming Odds” is disrupting warmode. The Alliance “deathballs” are camping incursion quests, flight paths, and Dazar’Alor, picking off stragglers. The Horde has no reason to group up because no equal quest is being provided. Will the quest be given for both factions or can it be removed?
BFFA is a complete failure in every respect. Will the next expansion have new Developers with Fresh ideas and will Activision stay hands off or will they be adding loot boxes and PTW features?
Updated Worgen and Goblin character models, where are they at?
Is BFA being abandoned so that the new Expansion can be rushed out the door? Will WOW get a new writting staff capable of decent story telling?
I bought BFA because I really wanted to play a Zandalari troll. Why were they delayed so long to the point that I just dont care any more and wish I could get a refund of my money because I feel I was lied too
Are the Devs embarrassed at the poor quality and low effort of this expansion?
Do you even care?
Is anything being done about server stability? WPVP and warmode are fun but the random input lag is ruining it for me. SOMETIMES…that’s the kicker, I can go back to the same spot on a different toon and be lag free.
Can you guys address why raid trinkets are so undertuned in general? There’s like one decent trinket and it requires you to not be stacked, which is a requirement for a lot of mechanics. Was the same in Uldir. Are people supposed to re-farm mythic+ for a higher ilvl version of the same dungeon trinket every new season?
Activisions answer to server stability s going to be, " We can upgrade you to a better server for a one time payment of 12.99 a month"
Assaults giving 370 gear is working as intended?
Shouldn’t be 385 by now?
How are you fixing WP? Alliance only turn on WP to get 400Ilvl quest then turns it off so they can do it again.
Are you intending the wpvp to be unplayable for horde players with the 30% and the now the 400 ilvl gear quests? Just go back and read general chat on my server for the past few days and get a sense for how this is going. Will you allow for a free faction change so that horde may play the game as intended as well or should we just unsub?
I cant even get the 400ilvl piece because we cant find any horde to kill , they have all turned off WM
Yay, we get to watch Ion (should be spelled Ian) talk to a Hobbit who looks like he sleeps in a garbage dumpster about questions they wrote pretending they were questions we asked.
We would like to hear a definitive no it’s not happening or a possible yes, it could happen or a definitive yes, it is happening with regard to playable high elves for the Alliance. See The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread - #6978 by Delusion-ravencrest for … well, everything.
Man U hit the nail on the head with that one…community manager who can’t communicate!