Live Developer Q&A Thursday, January 24 – Submit Your Questions

Is there any guesstimate for a possible release window on 8.1.5?


When will professions become useful again? Speaking of Jewelcrafting, prior to Legion I made a ton of gold Jewelcrafting and this profession (just using this one example) feels useless to even have because of the RNG tied into having gem slots on random pieces of gear that you get.


Why is there an invisible wall in Stormwind still? It’s right next to the Dwarven District.

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Why was the decision made to make combat in WoW become so uninteresting?

Can we please get the haste values at end game to be increased? specs just feel far too slow even with decent gear.


Why bother asking questions we all know will be ignored?

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Would you please give Hunters and DK’s their old 1 second GCD back? I much prefer that for the playstyle that I became used to for so many years!


How many subs does WoW have right now?


Can we please just get the class design back from MoP? I know so many people and youtubers/twitch people faces that would prefer this over what we have today.

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Would you guys please make the rewards in this game feel more rewarding?


Can we merge servers instead of CRZ&Sharding?

With the constant CRZ&Sharding, WOW feels like a single player game.
I cannot guild invite most people I see in the quest zones from LvL1, I cannot help a newbie in the low level zone by giving him/her gold or bags. Most people no longer bother talking to each other while doing their dungeons because they know they will never see each other again. Same thing for the quest zones. No one talks no more.

Can we merge servers so we can build our friendship and the community from LvL1? We may keep the sharding for open world to keep down the over-population in zones and also keep the LFD, LFR within the same realm but no sharding within the big cities, how about that? CRZ really needs to go away, don’t you agree? Realm connection will also be good if merger is too much of a headache. Thank you for your time.


Very much this

The general feeling of the forums that cover World of Warcraft is that classes feel lackluster compared to past iterations, or that is my impression. What are the plans for 8.2? are there any? will we see sweeping changes?

I myself and I’m sure there are others who would like to know if there will be major overhauls and not just tuning. If there are none due to dev time, thats fine but i’d rather know then hold out hope, at least then you guys can work on your communication skills, by being upfront and honest, and i can continue to be a player or call it quits til 9.0


Long time player here, Started at the later half of vanilla and started playing hard in BC. Normally I do not bother to post on forums because i feel like unless im acting like a lunatic or asking simple questions i will be ignored. However I have loved seeing the game evolve over the years and am glad you are constantly trying to make it feel new again.

My question is Do you feel like you have over trimmed classes for this expansion? While several Work they just feel awkward to play and the combos dont seem to flow well together.

And follow up question. Lately it feels like the Devs are very much no longer in love with the game. Do you honestly feel like this was the best work that could have been done? Even overlooking all of the bug this expansion seems very bland like it was a chore to make instead of a passion project like previous expansions.


Any update on the bee mount? I’ve been waiting since the original BFA Blizzcon preview to fly around on a bee.


What happened to Zandalari Warlocks??

Any way you and the rest of the development team can reconsider Titanforging/RNG on gearing? Before any catchup in gear item level, my alt hunter got 380 itlvl in 3 days played at level 120, while my main MW monk has over 25 days played and is 383. The casino RNG for gear always feels bad and doesn’t reward players that put a lot of time in gearing up.


do you guys expect m+ players to have an entire roster of characters able to be played?

the recent comments about keystone deletion in the m+ interview gives this impression, as does the lack of balance within m+, with some classes bringing too much to the table to give up.

Elynos , you do realize that a 370 gear with a socket outperforms 395 titanforged version of the same gear and you are still saying titanforging is rewarding ? No it’s not rewarding, I think you are one out of millions of players to like titanforging to be honest.

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Not that far off the six month point, though.