Any chance you’re actually going to answer questions, or are you just going to avoid giving us answers and say you need to improve communication?
Why on Earth would you be playing a “Massively **MULTIPLAYER ** Online” game if you have social anxiety disorder. That makes no sense, the game isn’t for you.
How many more pairs of allied races can we expect in Battle For Azeroth?
Can you actually give another class shroud. Invis pots are not cutting it . Higher keys still require a rogue all the time.
Why isn’t the Alliance competitive? What are you going to do about it?
Can we please continue to prune the GCD change until we get back to the way it was in Legion?
There any plans on adding Throwing axes and throwing harpoons/javelins as a cosmetic weapon to transmog over our current ranged weapons?
Is it possible for you to (internally) test how disabling racials inside competitive content (Arena, M+, and raids (maybe only Mythic version?)) would benefit/hinder the game?
As thats the only real content that they have an advantage in and by negating them both factions can have a fair shot regardless of race mix and make it a pure teamwork/skill challenge like in the past
It would likely solve the “this racial OP” when 1 side has an advantage doing some mechanics.
As far as our neck goes, how is the transition from 8.1.5 to 8.2 going to look? Is every trait going to be unlocked despite our neck level and are the new traits in the neck going to be class specific?
Now that we’ve “experiemented” with how M+ vendors have functioned, can we please get PvP vendors back? And I mean the vendors that we had designed the exact same in previous expansions from WoD back.
FYI there is already a catch up mechanism…
If you’re behind you can keep capping conquest until you’re all caught up.
Not sure if you knew that…
At least fix my sheep mouth
Multiboxers and Botters:
I know you recently banned Multiboxers from PvP, however we are seeing more and more of them running the same loops / paths that botters are running while farming herbs. When are you going to ban multiboxing from the game?
Hey team!
Battle for Azeroth has brought some cool features for roleplayers. First, we have communities which has actually bridged the gaps between servers. Wyrmrest Accord and Moon Guard have started to coordinate roleplay using communities which has expanded our roleplay circles and given us new possibilities. You also gave us the Elixir of Tongues, which thrilled roleplayers with how easy it is to access and how quickly you implemented it.
Boralus and Dazar’alor are really wonderful places for roleplayers to explore, but right now those roleplay spots are often overcrowded with NPCs that take up all the chairs and room. Sometimes the chairs aren’t working, too. Sometimes you face sideways, which seems like a product of dev crunch which is understandable but sad for those of us who’d love to use these cool spots! As RPers, we understand that PvE & PvP players like seeing NPCs, but some of these nooks and crannies are far off the beaten path and could use some NPC pruning.
(Additionally: if you guys could one day made a system that allows RP servers to pair up with something more permanent than the weird phase system, we would love you forever.)
Battle for Azeroth gave us beautiful places to explore in Kul Tiras and Zandalar, but some of the nooks and crannies are overcrowded with NPCs. For roleplayers, that makes them impossible to use. How do you guys feel about balancing out that ratio for RPers while still keeping the world “lived in” for everyone else?
How are you going to address all the classes that have minimal utility and don’t get brought to M+ for that reason?
What are your thoughts on dps warriors? In it’s current iteration arms and to a lesser extent fury are obsolete specs, as they don’t bring a single thing to the table and other specs do better in all areas.
When can we expect to see a full update to character customization options to bring non-allied races graphically up to par with their allied race counterparts?
If the goal behind the portal change is to make the world seem larger, what is the reason for only revisiting vanilla zones that are warfronts?
How is the Worgen and Goblin update coming along? Is there a planned “sneak peek” in the near future?
With the inclusion of Azerite Gear vendors in PVE, are there current plans to reintroduce PVP vendors?
Any plans to tweak heirloom stats for lvl 110 - 120 - very under-powered currently compared to all other game content.
Can you please let us know other allied races? I’m specifically hopeful for Revantusk forest trolls or the other tribes to follow Horde now that Zandalari are members (see post here: I gots the troll fever! for a possible very cost-effective solution)
How time gated will flying become since it is being released so late this expansion?
Any word on Darkspear heritage armor or a warfront around tribal gear like how Arathi was all orcish and Darkshore was all Forsaken gear.
Any plans to make Kua’fon fly or is my theory correct that he is the Zandalari swoop racial?
I love the new druid forms. However, will we possibly get multiple colorations for zandalari moonkin and travel forms? It just feels a little awkward to have a green moonkin, a blue raptor, and a black Ankylosaurus.
Class fun and balance has been a major underlying reason to why people are leaving this xpac. From 8.2 forward what is blizzards plan to address this issue?