Little disappointed Blizzard

So I am Necrolord, I farmed the Unity armor set and it’s not even very different than the campaign set (slightly blue tint to it, whiter bones)…then…I farmed 30k anima and 750 anima-touched weapon fragments (the longest part of the two) and just bought the arsenal transmog set off of the vendor in the stitch factory…it’s a copper toned color set and not really anything else unique about it. The Stitchmaster armor set is another point of contention…

Here’s my issues for the set pieces. They are heavily locked behind RNG (unity is RNG based on WQ/Callings when they spawn as well as the Stitchfactory quests for the Stitchmasters set), then the weapon touched anima fragments are RNG Chordy and weekly Stitch factory quest completion is the only way to obtain them.

After all is said and done, it wasn’t even worth it. I feel sorry for anyone attempting this after Shadowlands ends.

At the very least, would it be so much to ask to have the Duty bound armor set (the Unity one) have a greater distinction from the campaign set?


I have no idea why they decided to make all the necrolord sets look almost the exact same.

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