List of Nerfed Azerite Traits in PvP

The simplest thing to do is to educate players on how to test it themselves by hitting the PvP dummy in Org/Stormwind. Before you hit it you have your PvE values and once you are in combat with it you have your PvP values for all abilities, traits, and talents.

Of course proper in-game tooltips would be best. Followed by proper documentation here on their official forums. However we all know neither is in the books for us. We must learn how to fend for ourselves because Activision kicked us out of the birds nest about 2 expansions ago.

Having to test everything everytime you want to try something new is kind of ridiculous in my opinion. People should be able to see what’s nerfed and what’s not without having to go to zuldazar and reforge traits then go to pvp dummies and test them and then write down the numbers and see what’s nerfed by what %

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What are the most convenient pvp dummies? The only one I know is in Org behind the less popular AH.

There’s a few by the mugambala, near the flight path person

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bery nise bery nise

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Where are the Ally ones?

Stealth nerf:
Gathering Storm for Arms warriors was nerfed by 35% in areans/BGs.

Thank you, I added it

Talbyy or Dillon or whoever can sticky should sticky this. Useful post!


This thread is useful documentation. Seems as if things which were previously nerfed by more than 50% have seen a net buff. The value of traits already nerfed at 50% has risen significantly, as everything is now nerfed by that much.

Yes, Thirsting Blades was nerfed by 60% but now has a 10% buff. Every trait had been slashed to 50% in PvP. This supersedes any previous nerfs over 50% because everything is now 50%.

Other than the shaman one, I think most are livable. Sub rogue could use the damage boost. I played the 8.1 ptr with all of these traits at their previous level and there were definitely gimmicks. Doubling the amount of traits definitely has a more than linear effect on output where health doesn’t scale as fast, just with ilevel.

There are other cases that benefit classes like sv hunter more because you have multiple traits with useful baseline effects, so you now have the ability to use all of them and also get to use some +damage or stats traits on top of them. Specs that don’t have as many “increases focus by 20 and…” or “reduces cooldown of [ability], and…” which are useful kind of take a hit as well.

No they are not livable. The hit to Thirsting Blades has cut my first hit of Chaos Strike from minimum of 42464, with typical buffs i see as high as high as 99k hits outside of BGs, all the way down to a first hit of 13578, mathematically, but honestly I have yet to see even that big of a hit, with buffs and all only getting about 8000 hit Chaos Strikes now. That’s a far bigger reduction than 50% or even 60%, already. 99k down to 8k is about a 120% reduction. So sorry, can’t live with that. No more burst damage for DH in pvp, which really sucks because my play style really relied on that. I do more damage in my tanking spec and gear now in BGs which is all too reminiscent of Burning Crusade Feral Druid days where bear did more damage than cat and was nearly impossible to kill being in tank stance. Except this is worse because tank stance for DH does not make DH nearly impossible to kill in pvp, we’re quite squishy already as far as tanks go. This is ridiculous.

If true, that sounds like it was unintended. Via their statement, the intended change should have buffed that trait. However, if you also had other traits impacting that damage before Tuesday, then that might be the reason you’re seeing an overall decrease in damage. Keep in mind that you’re balanced around having 6 traits now. If you are using pre-Tuesday azerite pieces, you effectively have 1.5 traits where you had 3 before. In that regard, everyone was nerfed the same.

Current outside of BG traits with Thirsting Blades stacked 3 times (having it on all 3 pieces of azerite gear) the tooltip for Thirsting Blades buff at 40 stacks says it adds 23580 damage to next hit of Chaos Strike. Current inside of BGs (same gear) tooltip for Thirsting Blades buff at 40 stacks says it adds only 2947 damage to next hit of Chaos Strike. Right there is an 80% reduction to damage but add to it the effects of speccing for Dark Slash (which increases Chaos Strike by another 40% for 12 seconds) and it’s an effective reduction closer to 110% to 120%.
I’m not comparing to any damage I was doing before Jan 22 because I only just got a 3rd piece of gear with Thirsting Blades on the 22nd, all my Chaos Strike damage before that was with only two pieces of gear with Thirsting Blades on it so those numbers are irrelevant.
I should add that my Chaos Strike with Thirsting Blades and without Dark Slash, outside of BGs does 56678 damage, according to its tooltip (but I know tooltips have been wrong before so…). I didn’t look at its tooltip while inside a BG and I’m not going back into one specced that way until they fix this but either way, both my dps meter addon and Blizzard’s in-game BG damage meter show me near the bottom of the scales now and I used to be typically in the top 4 of 10 and 15 man BGs or in the top 12 of 40 man BGs when I had only 2 pieces of gear with Thirsting Blades on them. Adding a third stack of it ought to have bumped me up in damage and DPS (which, outside of BGs, it has) not down, especially if their intent was to limit the number of traits players gear for.

Are these nerfed if you stack them or just overall?

These nerfs are outdated info. All traits are just nerfed by a flat 50% in pvp (I.e. the changes above were reverted and replaced by a flat 50%). This changed the reset before last I believe.

Sure they do
many of my passive buffs like bwonsamdis buffs are halved in pvp