Maybe throw in the “haha” on the first post about it
Hard to tell whats a joke when someone claiming a tree being there means they love nature
Maybe throw in the “haha” on the first post about it
Hard to tell whats a joke when someone claiming a tree being there means they love nature
That is that persons entire argument the start and the end of it.
And that is valid I wont take that away from them thats their stance.
But everything else they have to make their stance somehow seem more valid isn’t accurate or true, and most of it is just clickbait like one liners that are somehow supposed to reinforce their argument I guess? Idk
My main stance remains the same which is
^ the above
Story to make it happen is always desired and making sure Alliance on their core elf race get our sought after combo to keep things fair.
I’ll spam emotes too, just so I can be sure. Can’t be too careful.
when multiple people dont understand your joke it’s the deliverers fault I’m afraid to say.
Remember, when your joke doesn’t land
Get very defensive about it, really sells the “I was just joking” aspect
oh god…is this going to be the new “high elves” thing?
Or maybe those people are taking things too seriously, because they hate something that much.
It wasn’t defensive. It was another joke.
or ur just unfunny. I know which one is more likely.
Nah that’s definitely not it.
Belf just want everything, so probably
Next week they’ll be talking about Belf are basically ready to become shaman because they walk on earth, breath air, use fire to cook, and drink water
it’s the void elf and blood elf player special. gotta be the most entitled players around.
I’m just saying what I’ve been saying this whole time.
a.) we don’t hate nature.
b.) there’s a path to every class/race option becoming open and Blizz is working on that.
Is anyone aware of the actual lore of this guy though? The botanica is made to sacrifice life so they can further their knowledge on the planet and the naaru. It’s basically the same as a Dark Shaman as it goes against actual druid values.
People love to leave out that part.
You mean it is time for all races to have all classes.
So long as there is decent lore to explain why and how it fits for each race to have all classes. Heard it is being worked on so someday it will be a reality
Orcs have Shamans, which is a variation of Nature magic, they have no need of Druidism.
It would be the coolest thing to see every race become druids. My only worry would be that blizzard gets lazy and doesn’t make each one unique to the culture of the races.
Linxy is our ol’ blizzard pal.
Blood elf druids would be wonderful!
Along with Wildhammer dwarves, blood elves are probably the easiest race to add to the repertoire of druids in wow.
The Farstriders have always had connections to nature and defending their forest home and would no doubt welcome druids (and shaman) to assist them with restoring the forests to their old splendor!
Some older lore may have been retconned where the blood elves (high elves at the time) would have had druidic magic being employed along with a world tree of their own and it wouldn’t be hard to unretconn some of that with a hidden order of druids or the rekindling of an order of druids.
Even better these ties could be repurposed to allow newly taught blood elf druids (taught by tauren or trolls) to reinvigorate the land and allow the plauged land to heal. Further ties to the local Loa could even be established breaking ancient hatreds and giving the blood elves access to the Wild God’s used by the Amani. (this could also tie into allowing forest troll customization for Darkspear)
And even if they don’t go that route and alternative type of druid could be made. One based upon the arcane ala the Botanica style botanist concept.
Blood elves have wonderful options for druid!
Their forms would be as follows:
Bear: bear
Cat: lynx
Moonkin: Phoenix styled like the ztroll form based on arrakoa.
Travel ground: hawkstrider
Travel air: dragonhawk
Travel water: seal