Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

Anytime you let people transfer it will make realms worse.

You guys ruined Crusader Strike by letting these whiny babies get their way.
It’s not hard to make a new character and level it.

Anyone know why when I click free character xfer, and type in destination realm nothing comes up, no clickable servers.?


When theres no option it means they wont take transfers at the current time :frowning_face: Hopefully they open them soon as most of the alliance have stopped logging in already lol not fun playing on a 70/30 dominant server but oh well :sob:


I saw this spamming in EU forums, I hope it will work



it’s been months with no sign of life from the devs


how about instead of killing servers just make every server pve


My bags are packed. I’m just waiting for the bus to Wild Growth. All this pvp bllsht is just making people rethink their time. The mass pvp just pushes he people who play the game, to stop playing, then the pvprs leave and you have a dead server again. Nothing like getting ganked with a 30 min runback over and over. F you bliz


I’d have liked to see the new content, I can’t justify my time when most of them can’t play. 55 was my limt.

Id also like to see these be re-opened.

My whole guild is ready to pack up and move to Wild Growth from Crusader Strike. Just pull the trigger and let us go.

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How about no

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PVP servers simply do not work with phases condensing all the players into the same areas. Also promoting even more pvp in blackrock mountain was a terrible idea and was obviously going to have poor results on all the 1 sided servers. My guild is ready to server transfer to a PVE server as soon as possible. I hope blizzard lets players switch to PVE instead of leaving them trapped and quitting the game.

OPEN the transfers again, you already broke SoD by delaying phases and offering xfers way to early.

Xfers should just be open & free all the time to any sever w/ faction locks. OH and fix the bug that lets people have horde and ally on the same sever please.

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Since i last commented on this post asking for a transfer i have re rolled and am almost back to the same point i was on CS. Only thing I’m missing is my full bis/proffs/gold. The market has calmed down so you wont need 10k just to boost a proff , I’m thankful for that :slight_smile: The runes sucked but i got it done with no griefing horde. Looking forward to farming pre bis over the next few days!!! :woman_artist: Hop ship before they lock up WG!!! Its getting really full over here :eyes: And something else i noticed was there seems to be a huge amount of horde too !! Hope you guys have a great phase 4 :love_hotel:

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How is it any different if a player who is hating the griefing happening on the pvp servers if they:
a) re roll pve and start over
b) blizz opens transfers back up and they transfer
c) quit

It’s all the same result and has the same impact on you and your server. 1 less player on the pvp server.

They need to open transfers back up, ASAP. The server faction balance experiment was a good idea but it has obviously failed due to layers and the new events funneling the entire server population into 1 zone.

The only thing accomplished by keeping transfers closed is more players quit who would have continued playing if they were allowed to transfer to a pve server with the character they have already invested hundreds of hours of play time into.


Expected something today cuz i always seen major updates in tuesdays.

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Open up FREE SEASONAL Transfers.

Or unlock Chaos bolt for Fresh SOD lv 60 server!

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Open them back up please blizz!

Hold on, maybe…

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Please reopen these for those of us who are stuck on unbalanced servers now.