i have lost hope on blizz regarding sod. will just play cata instead. my toon in sod still level 30…
camp a rogue? ok
What a bummer
Aren’t they trying to fix the ‘fault’, by moving out of PvP realm?
Factions have never had balance, and never will.
this is such a laughable argument that holds no weight whatsoever
the numbers (facts) back this up ten fold, theres a reason every PVP server morphs into one sided faction inbalance
hell almost every pvp server for SOD was 3+:1 ally to horde, and being forced to layer jump (falls on others actually sending invites) to play the game, shows what a huge fail it was
then again, the same posters will fill this thread and say duhhh pvp happened on a pvp server (despite ignoring the facts of whats happening) or say transfers to pve (even though thats not even allowed, the few transfer windows were briefed and not announced)
You’re putting the cart before the horse. Faction balance is due to toxic behavior, not server transfers. If these people didn’t transfer off they would have just stopped playing eventually.
for 3 phases faction balance on sod realms was 50% 50% +/- 5%. That’s extremely balanced. You are wrong. Blizzard controlled the faction ratio during launch and creation of new characters continuously, and implementing these unrestricted transfers reverses all of this work.
Your notion of balance is population numbers.
It doesn’t show PvP participation, only raw population.
It’s your assumption that the factions were balanced then, when it probably wasn’t even the case.
No server in history has survived with ‘balanced’ factions. Remember what happened to Classic 2019 servers, with TBC as the breaking point? Trying to force balanced population numbers is just insane.
Chaos Bolt was 57%/43% before they locked it and started allowing transfers. SoD’s faction balance tools can’t do anything if one side quits more than the other and new players don’t join to replace them. And phase 3 has lost 67% of its population, so its to be expected that we’d see imbalances happen.
They just need join the pvp servers with each other and the normal servers with each other. Sod is great and a great start to get A.I. npcs. Also start A.I. Hostile faction mob like Horde bounty hunter excuttioner and allanice Bounty hunter Judgement. Hahaha no just way it is hard to keep gamers playing if not new and exciting
(Bounty Hunter their out just to get you)
I have given up on sod and started raiding with a decent guild on cata classic mankrik server. goodbye sod
Cata raiding does beat SoD raiding.
Good job on that, classic team.
once again, unrestricted server transfers is what caused 2019 classic pvp servers to go one sided. once people on one side start to transfer, it creates a slippery slope condition where the minority faction is increasingly incentivized to continue transferring as they get more and more outnumbered.
It wasn’t transfers that ‘caused it’.
People already had horde alts prepared and geared in vanilla - that they were going to play in TBC, due to racials. Inherent imbalance in racials and classes causes the imbalance, and there is nothing you can do, unless you homogenize everything to be one and the same.
when are we getting free xfers off crusader strike?
at this point I doubt it’s ever going to happen, they’ll open paid transfers instead
As an update, it’s been over a month. Basically, our entire guild, a full raid team, has quit the game as a result of this experiment. A couple people left and went to other guilds, but most just stopped playing because we got stranded on different servers. Hopefully this feedback is useful.
They were getting this feedback by the first day of tom flipping transfers on and off on a whim, they’re just not interested in helping and if they would have made some effort by now to communicate if they cared at all. Extremely disrespectful to the subscribers that got caught by what I can only call a rookie social experiment.
i agree with you but Renauldo is right, they’ve been getting similar responses for over a month. I’ve sent 2 emails direct to Aggrend as well, they clearly don’t care at this point what their ‘experiments’ have done to the playerbase. If they did care they would have done something about it by now. If they did do something … now… I think everyone here would agree it would be a little too little a little too late. They have f’d themselves too badly for too long at this point to give any resemblance of an excuse or apology to anyone here that would make a difference in making them forget what has happened already. Ok, who wants to go do some incursions … (just kidding).