Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

still waiting

Wednesday now, huh… Almost Thursday. 3 days off.

I’d respect someone alot more if they just told us outright a NO, rather than beating around the bush and wasting time. Yeah, Might still be upset, but it’s easier to swallow when you show us respect. When you do stuff like this though, refusing to update or communicate for 2, 3 days(or more? Who knows…) after you said you would. It doesn’t show respect. And then people get upset over it.


Please allow paid transfers. I prefer not to quit the game because of it. I shouldn’t have to level up new characters just to play the game. I am stuck on an AU server and I live in the US and it is very hard to find groups. I did cancel my sub but if you guys fix this issue I would 100% come back.


they do allow paid transfers. but the servers all say they’re not taking anyone due to faction imbalance. it shouldn’t even matter for pve servers.

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They dont want the servers people are leaving from becoming imbalanced, even though the person could just stop playing the character too and it would hit the same imbalance.


blizzard needs to read this, by not allowing transfers they are not just imbalancing 1 server they’re imbalancing all the pvp servers where people want to leave b/c people stop playing!!! this is a very good point … sadly they dont seem to care as they left the impression we would get an update monday annnnd now its thursday (my time zone) no news. (shakes head in disappointment)


Dude… Communicate!!!


seems cataclysm prepatch launch is such a bad situation that they went radio silent on all channels, seen this behavior many times in the past from blizz


Are you going to be giving an update on the transfer situation? People want to be able to join their friends.


I’m doing the same now. SoD and playing with friends was the entire reason I was still subscribed. I don’t have the time to invest in levelling another character on another server, grind the rep, or accumulate the gold, all because the devs can’t be bothered opening up another transfer window.
This is officially killing my remaining love for Blizzard content.

Bro it’s Thursday, when you give someone your word and then don’t even say “hey not gonna happen stop waiting” is cold

they don’t seem to value our time OR money at this point.
the only reason to play the game is to have a good time. seems alot of us aren’t anymore and the lack of communication is a big factor in that. id rather know it isn’t coming then to be strung along.


hey guy… where’s the update, the dead make more noise than you developers. Say something about whats going on would you. take the hint that silence is not your friend here… and your silence is only making it worse

knock knock…hello?

“We’re sorry, the number you have reached is no longer available, please hang up and try again.”


They’re too busy working fixing the cata pre patch. That game has wow tokens for sale for real money and will make blizz significantly more than sod ever could. So the small team they have working on classic has to put sod on the back burner and put all their time and effort into cata.

Have to remember, it’s a small indie company, not some multi billion dollar corporation that has been developing games for over 20 years.

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If they made paid transfers available I’m sure they’d make a ton off people getting the hell off pvp servers.


I agree. I would pay them the $20-25 right now to transfer off my pvp server. And I know several others that would do the same.


I don’t think I would pay the $25 because this is an issue that they created, and we shouldn’t have to pay in order for them to fix it and let friends play together.

They honestly need to open up all transfers. If PvP servers become imbalanced because people move off of the server, or the server dies because they move off the server, then so be it. It means not enough people want to play PvP, or they need to consolidate PvP servers.

Let the players play with who/where they want to play. I know a lot of us chose a PvP server and if we regret that, I can live with it. But to be offered a transfer at an odd time with no communication is worse. Friends can’t transfer because they weren’t at their computers, and then we get separated. This made the situation impossibly worse.

If you are on a PvP server wanting people to stay on the server to inflate your world PvP gank ego, making people stay on the server won’t work. They just will quit playing. No one is going to play out of obligation to get ganked because they chose a bad experience in the beginning. They will just move on. I know because I have 4 friends I used to play with that have quit, and one other thinking about it. I am also thinking about quitting because I don’t have my friend circle I did, and I can just move on to games they are playing.


Agree, the way they handled this made a bad situation worse. Now a good number of people that weren’t very happy with their server can’t even play with their friends. This is baking in more sub cancelations if they don’t address this.