Lightsmith vs Herald of the sun, is everyone wrong?

So you don’t use judgement?

Also what about free wogs? You weaving a CS between each?

Have you tried LS Prot Paladin + LS Holy Paladin combo in keys? It’s insanely fun. One of my best moments playing WoW so far. :rofl: Then check the Friendly Fire in details

You don’t ignore judgment. And what about free wogs? We’re talking about AC windows where assurance has the biggest impact. The whole point of assurance is to make you more powerful in wings, which is the bulk of your healing.

The rotation looks something like this: go into AC with 3 holy power with assurance up > judgment > crusader strike > spender > crusader strike > judgment

Rinse and repeat as necessary with judgment being the highest priority, followed by an assurance buffed crusader strike. You may overcap on holy power during wings - that doesn’t matter.

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Yeah so that is my point. Assurance is only healing like what a few CS every AC. Guidance is healing regardless of AC / what builder you use. This is why I think you are still getting more HPS out of guidance. I could be wrong as it’s pretty hard to quantify using damage meters.

:thinking: My guy… divine guidance isn’t purely a healing ability, it splits damage and healing.

When you have crusader strike critting for 1mil+ (thanks to assurance), you can literally double your healing in a single GCD because of it. It makes both your damaging abilities (and in turn healing) within avenging crusader insanely strong. It isn’t just “a few CS every AC” - AC has 30%+ uptime, it’s literally a 3rd of time you’re in combat.

The interaction between assurance and avenging crusader is stronger than anything divine guidance can ever bring.

It’s not that divine guidance is bad, it’s that assurance is just better with avenging crusader.

If you’re not taking avenging crusader, divine guidance is better because you’re not converting that damage in HPS. For example, it’s amazing for prot paladins and really good for non-AC builds.

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According to the average healing output through all fights in Mythic (not an accurate despiction of all fights I know), LS AC build is pulling like 5%-6% ahead of the old Herald build from 15 days ago, where it was a little behind Rdruid and now its the healer with most HPS of all, even ahead of prevoker.

As far as I know, this is not subtracting Tempered in Battle ‘negative’ healing from logs but could be wrong.

Having said that, I do think It’s likely that we see nerfs to LS/AC/blessed assurance/Tempered in battle in a week or two.

As a personal note, I don’t dislike AC, and I would love for LS to be viable with regular wings at some point. Despite being clunky, having an HP re distribution + 15% shield on demand its pretty fun compared to how Herald its mostly just burst/passive healing and some powerful procs here and there.

I am aware…“my guy”.

I cannot replicate this number… Is there more to it?

I think you aren’t actually understanding what I’m trying to say. I’m talking about how many empowered CS you are actually getting from assurance vs always getting bonus from guidance.

Also I want to clarify I’m not arguing whether assurance is strong just that it is rather hard to quantify the HPS from it and that guidance appears to do rather good HPS. I definitely do more dps with guidance…I can see that just hitting the dummies.

Not Blizzard nerfing casting and herald of the sun builds, while also not touching avenging crusader builds. Lmao.

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It does make you wonder.

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im telling you they hate paladins so bad man

This is really disheartening.

LS AC is right now one of the best raid builds and one of the best m+ builds as well.

We will soon see both Regular Herald build and LS AC be unplayable because lets be real, they will nerf AC/LS/Hpal as a whole soon.

Hpal is doomed for the season I fear.