Lightning's Blade Alliance Reconnections

Going to be playing with some people on Thalnos as horde. Oh and Gimson says hi too.

VooDooWan, Guild: Assassination, Devious Disciples

Name: Gigawidget
Race/Class: Gnome Warlock
Guild: Allied

Barely played in Vanilla, but I kept playing with these guys through BC. HMU if you remember me or anybody else from the old guild.

Heyy gurll

Name: Eyeliner
Race/Class: NE Hunter
Guild: Seditio and others
Will be on Skeram - Horde

Hey Sanno! Terrible advice indeed.

Name(s): Mimosa and Evilkringle
Classes: Mimosa - Mage Evilkringle - Priest
Guilds: ImmortaI, KOTBR, Sigil, BOP among others - currently in AARP (non-Classic)
Will be on Herod - Alliance

Teddy! One my irl friends was GM of “Teddyton Lover’s Club” on horde side that we’d usually put our alts in. He’d go out of his way to figure out where you were questing so he could wave at you.

Name: Xerudox
Faction: Alliance
Race/Class: Nightelf Rogue
Guild: Loyalty

What’s up Poreegon!? Ready to hit Classic?

I was Alexas/Aldrek back in vanilla. Human paladin in Glory of War and then Catalyst. Seen a few familiar names here already. Nylite, Xordarb, Robofang.

I also remember a few others like our illustrious leader Machia (NE druid), Theist (dwarf priest), and Mordekai (human paladin). I usually spent a lot of time with my IRL friend Thoric (NE hunter). I think we dipped out a bit after we started Naxx.

If anyone will be on Stalagg Horde, I’ll be Aldrek (orc warrior). I plan on no-lifeing for the first week to get ahead of the curve.

Lots of fond memories of vanilla.

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lol I used to play with you and john (Flade). the good old days where you guys had to carry me constantly because I couldn’t grasp the concept of this game when I was young.

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Character name: Flade.
(Night Elf Warrior) (harcore noob).
I used to play with a guild that helped me out a lot when I was younger.
the leader was PriestRipzer. Helped me out a lot back in the days.
if you guys are gonna play vanilla then holler at me on this thread.

Name: Hoof
Faction: Alliance
Race/Class: Night Elf Warrior
Guild: too many to list

Hey everyone, I am the real “Hoof” from the infamous rage post on the forums from way back then “Alliance vs Horde”/“Me vs Aftermath” thread lmao.
I will be coming back to classic to check it out and was just wondering where is everyone going. Tried to reserve my name on a few of the servers but I think I am a bit late so I’ll try to find an alternative. Till then I look forward to hearing from everyone and hopefully we can pick a server to jump onto.

***Update: I have rolled a Horde Tauren Warrior on Kromcrush

WOW Sorce! long time no see. i am so ready for Classic. U gunna join the fun?

Your name is super familiar. I was in immortal for a period during WOTLK as well as Inner Core. Immortal was my first “serious” raiding guild, good times. I went on to play in coercion and hawtness as well. It’s really cool to see old names :slight_smile:

Hey! I remember being found a few times from members of the coolest club! Was Risen the GM of the guild?

Mandranal - Human Lock - Inner Core, Guardians of Heaven, Midnight Brigade.
been horde since 2.0, will be going back alliance, would love to reconnect with old guildies and friends. Will be on Thalnos.

Yep, Risen was GM. He’d never tell me why he singled you out and made an entire guild dedicated to you though. I just remember he’d get all excited when he found you out in the wild.

Yo0 Threats. Here I’m also looking to link up with ppl from LC miss everyone