Sent you a friend request on Discord. =)
A name I remember. Did ZG with you and the Pirates.
The Viper has been looking for you.
The Orc rogue?
Hi Smitten. Ucuted - Undead Rogue, we were in Asylum together!
One of the only names I remember from the old days! Sad to see you’ve become alliance scum. I played Unng, a tauren warrior. Hope to see you in game
Oh so many memories! I remember Palehoof and others!
I used to play Kylana, Tauren Shaman Raid Healer. (MC40, etc), but more important lead many epic major raids of cities, fighting to defeat my nemesis Octavian! YES I AM COMING FOR YOU! FOR THE HORDE! (Not really, not any more).
My main was Kylana back in the day… From Stress Test and Open Beta to Retail 1.0… Somewhere along the line, account got hacked and I lost my actual name “Kylana” which is now why this character is “Kylanaa”
So many memories of raids starting where me, a warlock, and rogue would find ourselves in Elwynn Forest and summon a bunch of y’all to take over Stormwind. Or when I called out Octavian over and over again… and battled his Alliance crew of thugs in The Barrens.
I also had a wondrous Jewel Crafting business going during BC! Kylana’s Gem Emporium!
Ahh… those were the days… =)
You can find me on Bloodsail in Classic, and sad to say, I’m also Alliance now. (Someone took my Kylana name by the way on this server… so Kylanna, along with other alts that start with Ky).
Oh, and I just created Kylana on Deviate Delight (RPPVP) as a Tauren Shaman. FOR THE HORDE
Those looking for a home, several of us have rolled on Bloodsail horde. Look for Dinnu or others in the Darktide Consortium if you’d like!
Saintedcoeur Priest from Horde in the guild Blood Bath and Beyond. She’s my wife and used to play with a lot of you guys. We’ve set up Alliance on Azuresong, me as Trenchard, her as Semolina. You guys are always welcome to say hi.
Just an update. This is Joshua once again. We are playing on Grobbulus Alliance side. My name is Magicog and Tugs goes by the name Dragontosser. Hit us up.
wow some old ER people, I was blackout (rogue) raided since day 1
Yo. I played an Enhancement Shaman by the name of Saytir.
FiestaTermina was our guild and if any of you are coming back hit me up- on Herod. Stormsong/Höwl.
Florence- Guilds Unholy Retribution / The eternal order and part time sublime Tauren resto druid. Long since I left good ole lightninghoof. On scarlet crusade now. Even had Florence Alliance for little bit, but heart is with the horde so turned her back, but as a high mountian.
On bloodsail buckeneers. I did remake Florence, but I switched to my old shaman, since I never leveled one to 60 in vanilla. She was just a 39 twink I had.
Earthmother watch over my old friends and foes on the fields of battle.
hey there, im on grommash if you end up playing =P
Forgot about this thread! I added you guys… Name is Heiser.
Heya! I’m looking for a Tauren I met in Durotar (pretty sure we met during late vanilla). Their name was Talushopper, and they met me on my Troll Warrior, Iractis (or Iractus, I don’t remember how I spelled it back then)! I’m playing WoW Classic on Bloodsail Buccaneers, I’m playing an undead priest named Rakushka! If you’re around the area, or just wanna hang out later on a different server or anything, please send me a message! I hope you find this!
EDIT: Also, to anyone else who wants to hang out: I also played Joucasta, Melerna, and Almea. I hung out with the Brill crowd, from early Burning Crusade to late Wrath. If you wanna hang out again, or just catch up, feel free to hit me up whenever!
I was Evilsauce in Praetorian, UD lock
Ether(forget my rogues original name before it got changed) - UD rogue back in the day. Used to gank non stop with Deathsikle (UD rogue). Mostly known for killing all the sh*tty The Hun players and making a list on the old forums of killing everyone in their guild roster.
Was in Praetorian but didn’t raid, just ganking and PvP
We got some old Hoofers Horde side Grobb currently about to gear up for WotLK.
I know this is WAY late. I quit for BC Classic, but I am returning for Wrath.
Currently playing a Human DK named Joshua - Grob. Hit me up.
I R Him! Forgot to switch chars.