Not every encounter has technical difficulties as that.
Tonight we fought a sizeably larger force (Roughly 40v60ish) and, without much technical issues, were about to fully route the opponents attacking Fort Victory.
There’s plenty of honor and fun in it. Don’t get too caught up on the loudest few’s same attempts to troll people. Lag does happen in some extreme cases (mostly city raids), but it isn’t as prevalent as one might think.
I am not EXCITED about this I have mix feelings its not bad alliance is fighting back but YOU are too much.
There is an ALLIANCE raid attacking it turns out its the griffons raid OKAY we deal with it, NEXT DAY we see another raid, guess WHO IT IS its the griffons raid.
It’s almost no other alliance groups exist and I AM sick and TIRED of running into them all the TIME there needs to be more variety of who we are against. I am SERIOUS literally NO OTHER alliance raids if i see a raid I can PREDICT who it is YOu might be doing the lords WORK for alliance but as horde we are sick of you.
There are many of the same horde groups as well. At the end it’s either ally or horde, at least some wish to keep the action going.
Lol horde routinely form raids to gank lone alliance and camp quest areas. Alliance are just fighting back. You’ll be ok there little hordie.
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Do more please, I want the Alliance morale to increase so we see more faction balance in wpvp.
you legit 40v10 and blade stormed 0 people…
At least you got guards to kill while you wait for 30mins for your next 40 v 1-10.
Mean while half your group flags afk people on flight paths.
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Calm down 1750.
Prob the most cringe thing you could’ve posted btw
Hahahahaha ok my dude, this is my alt.
try again.
You keep charging 40v 2 and spamming emotes.
Legit I watched you use a glider yesterday and then leap and bladestorm 15 feet from 2 horde.
Then call out how you owned them, mean while they were 100% health and needed the raid to walk over them.
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Note: im not bragging, not trying to brag, its simply me putting people in their place, simple as that. .
I was in your group as ally you derp, I don’t have a 120 horde.
Classic it was someone else with my name…
Anyway clearly you seem upset, you first jumped that I was talking about the video and now you know it’s about yesterday.
Must happen a lot for you, guess you should work on that.
Gg with calling out rating while being 1750 with 300 games played .
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A lot of spelling mistakes in that wall, you typing fast because you arnt upset?
Ok dude.
I won’t be 1600 hahahahahahaha
So now I was at the back of the line, yet you need to check footage to figure out who I was? Even though I called you out in raid and laughed at you.
You got footage, so I guess you can upload your amazing plays ;).
Blacklisted from something I clearly don’t want to join, oh what shall I ever do.