Lightforged customization for blood elves

Okay, so I just point out ‘‘one of the most’’ customizable.

what that naaru was doing was turning those orcs into lightbound / lightforged.
the last time we saw kiiru he was there

In fact, really, really. The process of being Lightforged depended solely on a Naaru. But even with the Xe’ra’s destruction, the Draenei know how to do this process, as the race’s unlocking mission is just a test to make new Lightforged without naaru

That’s not what I saw. It looked like it was similar to the Night Warrior ability putting an individual into a ‘stasis chamber’ or ‘freezing them’.

Well that was back in BC and the Isle hasn’t been updated since. Unless you’re saying that it appears in the BE heritage scenario or the VE recruitment one.

Well this was essentially the clarification process I was wanting to know. When you do the LFD scenario, a Naaru isn’t even present. So then the question becomes, can any Naaru teach a being how to do this or was it Prime Naaru knowledge that is now lost outside of the LFD.

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is what they did you can read more information about the maghar unlocking quest but summarizing some orcs like exarch garrosh agreed to become lightbound voluntarily and other orcs were forced by the naaru

This still doesn’t negate what I’m requesting. The Light Mother may or may not be a Prime Naaru.

Is the Lightforging process a thing that all Prime Naaru know, or is it something a normal Naaru knows of as well? These are questions we don’t have answers to.

K’iru may know of the Lightforging process. We don’t know. K’iru may be aligned with the Blood Elves. We don’t know.

Essentially, there isn’t a lot of story where the Horde would obtain accessible Lightforging because the Lightforging process in general is vague. We’d either need answers to this, or Blizzard could just throw the customizations at BEs and call it a day.

Personally, I’ve had questions about the process for years, and if they were to implement a customization like this, I’d like them to fill in the holes.

do you want another example calia is a lighforged undead thanks to Saa’ra

Calia isn’t Lightforged though. She is an actual enigma. Her current state is a mystery.

Calia is an undead being that has been infused by the Light. She is a complete mystery of existence.

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actually Anduin described her as an undead but not undead by the power of necromancy but by the light. calia is full of the power of light it is more if we see calia her skin color is lightforged

What are you going to kidnap and hold another Naaru hostage to make it happen :slight_smile:

Calia Menethils current state is a conundrum within the WoW universe. We have no idea what she is or how she is maintaining her grasp of the Light while being undead. She’s not really something to lean on for your Lightforged request due to her being an actual contradiction to the WoWverse.

Sorry I’m using Wowpedia but here is the relevant context, “the naaru stated that Calia would become free from pain and nightmares and that Anduin and Alonsus would bring her back as the Light and she herself would have her be. With Saa’ra’s guidance, the two priests raised Calia back to life with the power of the Light, but as an undead.”

Which in itself is interesting dialogue because she is describing what I would consider to be an infusion of Light. So you might be correct that Calia is Lightforged, but her current state is still a mystery. We don’t know if Calias body is essentially a host for the Light and the woman is a puppet for it.

Her eyes being pure white is interesting itself as we know the glowing eyes don’t make or break as a genetic change in the Lightforging process. Turalyon retains his white sclera. So if she is indeed Lightforged, the white eyes might just be what happens with an undead being infused with the Light.

I mean, again, we just need more clarification on the Lightforging process.

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that naaru is already in quelthalas

we need to have our own unique visual identity now that you have what was ours.

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Either way as I said there is enough evidence to give us that customization

Lightforged Pandaren, also give us Paladins.

No bro, because later the Allys are going to ask for Lightforged Void Elfs!

they are already asking for voidladin!
but we need more customization and it is not a bad idea because the sunwell

Blizzard said void elves are getting 5 “natural” hair colors. That isn’t all of the blood elves options

Blizzard also never said the void tentacles would be removed.

Where is everyone getting the idea that blizzard just gave them all the blood elf options?

Having said that though, something light themed would be kind of cool. It would also make sense lorewise since the sunwell is now partially a holy light well :thinking:

skin options

Well considering the lore it makes sense

The corrupted void elves were created via a freak accident. Any elves that wanted to join them after that aren’t corrupted

It even says in the lore that the void elves haven’t figured out how to replicate the accident to make more void elves

Plus at the core, you’re both the same race, even if a few turned purple

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