LGBT Storylines in War Within?

At one time I had this idea that I could make a legit pizza sauce using fresh green pineapple, which is sour and not very sweet. I didn’t actually do it.

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i can’t tell, but… is that crust not cooked?

This is cute tbh lol

Google Photos


Better not be…

For all the whining about the “trans” NPC in Bastion, when I finally got there late in the expansion, there was just awkwardness in the story, and no real explanation what we were supposed to assume.


Spooky pizza


I love the spooky pizza xD


It looks like it’s cooked as I can make out a bit of texture, but very lightly cooked it seems

Good chance it’s cooked enough to be easy to move around and then the sauce and cheese got torched to melt if it was taken for the photo

That spooky pizza looks really cool. I wonder if I show an image somewhere, if somewhere will make it for me.


I’m honestly shocked they haven’t been banned. I on the otherhand was perma banned from the wow subreddit for saying male blood elves have a posture that makes them look like they prefer a certain sex.


Heh…Peep-za. But, in all honesty—and I’m saying this as someone who doesn’t mind Peeps and has been known to put them in my hot chocolate, at least when I’m drinking the bitter stuff—that looks nasty.

Now, with that out of the way: pineapple and marinara don’t mix. In other words: use tangy or spicy barbecue sauce if you’re going to put pineapple on it, you reprobates.

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Panda pizza


They do it because it works. This community can’t help but take bait.

This is super cute.

And so is this.


look at this guy trying to start the Fifth War.

we’re gonna be sieging Orgrimmar again to get rid of this guy.

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To be fair, at best that post you responded to was bait.

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Omg I love that!

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OP, if you are going to troll, raise yourself to Raistlin’s level. Otherwise go back into your hole.

Confused fox noises


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