LGBT+ History Month

Honestly though the only representation that matters is the artistic direction they are going for and lore, we also have the right to protect the artistic expression and lore of this game and have zero right to try and push any representation on them. Artistic expression is best left up to the people creating it.


You are the one sexualizing. All anyone said was they would like to see LGBT people in wow, and you jump to sex. Thatā€™s kind of sick. Especially when I am talking about CHILDREN, who are not having sex, killing themselves.

Itā€™s very telling that your interpretation of LGBT people is apparently what you see at pride parades or on TV. Life would be so grandā€¦ reality check. I am a single gay man who takes care of his 72 year old mother. I live in a rural town run by hard right, religious kooks. The only parades I am in are the town parades, and I wear clothing.

You are being obtuse just to make a point, and at what expense? It still doesnā€™t keep LGBT kids from committing suicide when they are treated like freakish sex objects by well meaning, ā€œmodest, non-sexual peopleā€ā€¦


There are. Much larger issues. But no one really wants to discuss it. They want to pretend it isnā€™t happening, or just call the kids weak. Whatever excuse works. But if a character in a video game could save a single kid, even if itā€™s ridiculous, I am all for it. Better than doing nothing and pretending like LGBT people donā€™t exist. /shrug


So, honest question, what exactly does an LGBT person look like in WoW then? Khadgar in a dress? Two Vulpera of the same sex who are married in a questline (I mean, I guess that ticks off loads of boxes)?


Like any other character. Except they have a love interest of the same sex. Thatā€™s it.


The problem with that is, you tread into trying to force artistic expression to push a political agenda, and or conformity, and all inclusiveness.

LGBT people do exist, however not everything has to have some standout bold expression of it, the same way that heterosexual people do not have have bold expressions of it in games. The biggest issue with the community is , the talk of being all inclusive is great, in theory.

However in practice, hate to say it both sides can stand to just talk and have a civil discussion because both sides do the same thing and is outside the scope of this topic.

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just attach lgbt at the end of their name itā€™s the only way we can possibly know

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Just dropping another line of support for anyone feeling marginalized or misunderstood or hated. And thatā€™s everyone in this thread - we all seem to be passionate about this topic.

The more we share and the more we try to listen to each other, without accusations or condemnation, the more we learn about ourselves.

For some perspective:

Thing is it is not applicable here, it does not matter, and honestly I love my fellow human however, I would not ever force any company and or artist to change anything about a video game , music art, movie to confirm to something they did not want to have in there works. It is wrong, and honestly very domineering.

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So literally there is nothing that defines the character in any way OTHER than who they sleep with. Iā€™m currently struggling to think of a character in WoW who is defined as STRAIGHT purely because of who they sleep with (or where who they sleep with is in any way a relevant part of their character).

And that is the problem with the whole ā€œrepresentationā€ movement, itā€™s an attempt to hijack media into just having ā€œpeople like meā€ in it. The second you stop viewing media through the lens of ā€œif a person who Iā€™m watching isnā€™t the same race/gender/creed as meā€ then youā€™ll be a far happier person.

EDIT: Stop seeing immutable characteristics as something worth relating to, because pro tip, theyā€™re not.

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Iā€™m not sure if youā€™re being purposefully obtuse, orā€¦
Is that what human relationships are to you? Sex and nothing else? Is that what a love interest is to you? Only sexual attraction? Think for a minute before you write your response, man.

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You seriously need to stop, they actually make a very good and valid point, kids first line of defense is there parents, they should be able to reach out to them and to talk to them about anything including subjects of sexual orientation, or topics of being bullied and whatever they needā€¦

It is honestly not a schools , society, or therapists job to raise and teach a kid, they are outlets not parental units.

Secondly quit projecting when someone has a opinion or offers a statement that runs contrary to what you feel listen to them hear them out and debate with them. Both of you calling each other names and or slandering one another or just assuming does neither one of you any good.


Someone please pull the plug on this dumpster fire


Just you both are passionate people, I understand but when it getā€™s like that everyone is talking but no one is actually listening. Sadly the world just needs to take a deep breath and smoke a bowl whatever we need to do and just have clear and honest lines of communication.

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Straight people: Sexual attraction to the opposite sex
Gay people: Sexual attraction to the same sex

Literally nothing else about the relationship is any different. Both care for their partner, the defining difference is the SEXUAL nature of the partnership. I think youā€™re being the obtuse one here.

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Honestly there is a lot of deep routed issues here, yes the rate of teen suicide is higher in the LGBT community then in the straight teen community, but part of that is us as humans are not doing our part to address any teen suicide, and a lot of that is what they see on TV , what happens in school etc, there is a bigger issue then any one thing and it does need addressed however here is not the place for it, also defecting your anger towards it in a destructive non constructive manner does not help your case nor does it make anyone actually want to discuss the topic with you.

Read before reacting, think before replying.

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A lot of the NPCs could be gay. Do they need to look like the people from the gay parades?

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@Spikevilly, The difference is that homosexuals have been chastised and murdered and maimed and banished and hated and killed and raped and every horrible thing imaginable for centuriesā€¦ And now thatā€™s slowly starting to change, an inalienable thing about a human being, their sexual orientation, was cause for such trauma and hatred.

And now thatā€™s changing. And we wanna see it reflected in our videogame, dude. It truly isnā€™t a big deal. But it makes us feel better about ourselves, and validated. You donā€™t want that for your fellow human beings? Weā€™re not hurting anyone.


Yes that is a reality and a Real issue, so is Teen pregnancy so forth those kids get equally as trashed. But honestly yelling in a forum about the issue is not going to help the issue, it is just going to be ignored or worse if people reading it just feel its ranting without any substance, they may not take it seriously.

These issues are issues that need to be addressed humanity as a whole and society. Not in a video game. I am not picking on you or singling you out, I am just hoping I am hitting a side of you that can see the reasoning behind it before this just goes from 0 to 100ā€¦ I would hate to see your words get tossed aside do to a few moments lack of clarity and though before posting do to the heat of debate.

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Name one group of humans that hasnā€™t.

Not trying to sound belittling, but humans can be brutal to one another over the slightest thing.