LGBT+ History Month

go woke go broke

Harry Potter goes woke. Voldemort and Harry Potter now instead of mortal enemies are the deepest of forbidden loves.

Stay tuned for Harry Potter: And the Chamber of Secrets.

Why the heck is this flagged?? It makes sense. That or “futa draeneis” in goldshire on moon guard

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

Jesus, you people already got the hardcore sausagefest action with wrathion and anduin, is that not enough?

I demand more night elf on dryad romance


.>When someone in this thread calls me bigoted because I pointed out there’s already minor LGBT relationships in the thread.

I don’t think calling a gay guy bigoted about LGBT inclusion was your smartest move in life.

Why not since we are running the game into the ground anyway.

It’s actually insane how homophobic the WoW audience is. I guess it applies to gaming in general.

So funny to see straight people say we’re “pushing an agenda.” Are you? when your straight characters get together? Homosexual romance is a part of real life, bro, not an agenda. Sheesh.



Gay relationships exist despite your regressive “beliefs,” man. Sorry to break it to you.

I can’t see this as flag-worthy, not remotely, considering what doesn’t draw flags around here.

Not remotely. It looks like ~190 people are sighing right along with you. :slight_smile:

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Any month you…your friend, I mean…want it to be.

if your lgbt and want representation well then you can be that! you play a character in this universe of wow


And this is why we cannot have nice things. Honestly if you are Straight, Gay , Bi , Pan whatever. In the end we are all just humans and want to be loved by whoever we love.

Your heart wants what it wants. Point is we are all human lets just respect each others choices, however this is a game , not everything has to mirror life. Nor should it.

Me personally love is love and you love the person not the gender of that person. It is a connection thing .


When LGBTQ kids see representation of themselves, don’t feel like freaks, and have someone to look up to who is like them. When their suicide rate goes down. That is the perfect point to stop.


I don’t see much representation of modest, non-sexual people these days.

In fact it seems to be shunned.

Leave sex in the bedroom please and thank you.


It’s not about sex. It’s about love. My love for my husband is 100% just as real as yours for your partner.


Your poor husband. I have no partner, I’m like a nun.

He deserves better :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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You can have representation up until it reaches proportionality with actual population demographics, which is how it should be for EVERY “diversity” agenda that is being pushed.

In all seriousness if a gay character in a video game is what keeps you from doing the ultimate self no-no there are MUCH bigger issues to address.