LGBT+ History Month

also, more corgis please.

Well i could not disagree more…with pretty much everything you said.
Just because there is a single NPC based on a real person does not mean everyone deserves to be represented.

Most people do not want hot topic social issues like this represented in the game because it’s where they go to get away from all of it.
In my view it’s really just kind of strong-arming Blizz so they don’t get labeled as bigoted but that never works because from what I have seen…it’s never enough.


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Really dont see the need to bring celebrating sexuality into WOW, or any other video game. Keep rl issues in your own world.

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Ugh time to actually be progressive people.

Stop defining yourself by your gender, sexuality, skin color, age or disability - there is so much more to a human being than such a narrow set of criteria and this isn’t the 1960s.


If being gay is normal why do people need celebrations to feel special. I asked my gay friends that before, they told me the celebrations are not needed.



says the Demigod Malfurion. One of the most powerful characters to have ever existed.

Lmao dude they can’t even put in a convincing love story arcs as it is. Get your agenda out of here. If Blizzard CHOOSES to do so then so be it… but don’t force it. That is their own artistic right. You have 0 right to claim that they should put your own beliefs in their game.

One? There are countless NPCs based on real life people. These are just the memorials of the dead ones. I never said everyone has to be represented. Simply asking for additional gay characters doesn’t feel like asking for too much.

This isn’t such a hot topic that Blizz won’t even touch it seeing as there are two gay characters in Overwatch and just last year they sold a Blizzard pride pin in support of The Trevor Project. Why is something like having additional gay characters in a video game so hard that it ruins your escape from the real world? It really sounds like they have a problem and need to figure it out. Not the other way around.

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For the same reason inclusion in things like games always seem forced to me: because, on the surface, it’s not outwardly apparent what one’s sexual preferences are without being openly forthright about it.

On the flipside, heterosexual relationships can never be “forced” in a narrative because they are a natural consequence of our biological reproductive systems. It is safe to assume that those relationships exist because they are needed for the continuation of the species and humans have formed complex social structures around that biological connectivity. It’s assumed because it is biologically necessary at a species level, not because it is preferential individually (biologically or psychologically, doesn’t matter either way), so it doesn’t need any kind of “open forthrightness” about it.

I think that all makes it a lot harder to have “representation” without attention being called to it, unlike things like racial inclusion, for example.

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No thanks. Blizzard has constantly sh*t the bed as of late. Classic is the only reason this IP is being kept afloat. They need to step back and really evaluate this franchise’s direction and others before catering to the "woke, " etc.

I thought there was a rule on the forums against discussing political stuff?


That only applies in one direction. This type of conversation is protected. Yet they talk about privlege lol.


As far as I can tell plenty of “woke” things have managed to remain profitable. True, other fails too, but I dont think its “wokeness” is the make or break factor.

Love, Simon is proof you can make bank from a gay film. Oceans 8, while probably not great critically, made bank. 007 no time to die, which will relatively be the most woke film of 007 franchise wont be release until march so not sure where you got that.

Lastly, thanks to the streaming wars, there is probably more series with gay characters in that easily captivate people/prove to be massive success.

Umbrella Academy, Elite, Orange is the new Black, Grace and Frankie to name those at the top of my head.

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No. No, we don’t.


First off, it is already in WoW. Now all we need is actually something more significant.

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Your friends are smarter than most, the rest are like:

I think the biggest difference between failed and not failed is how the show presents the woke people. Some for example Ghostbusters are extremely demeaning and become part of the problem but on the opposite side doing what they themselves are supposedly trying to get rid of… Example of such things is people throwing words like White Male privledge around, or Male toxicity, or Mansplaining. Because clearly there is no such thing as femanine people being toxic, or a woman explaining things in the same way as a man. These are just sexist and ignorant remarks just as the privlege comment. Everyone has their own issues they have to over come. Just because someone is white male and straight doesn’t mean they don’t have a ton of other issues which makes it impossible to progress in society. Shows like Orange is the new black and the others you mentioned doesn’t seem to really present in such a manner that it is offensive.

Honestly people that are part of the “Woke” movement should really call these people out on that behavior. Because all that is doing is creating a rift which will set the movement back. Its part of why I don’t want that crap in the games I play. I’m already surrounded by being attacked on the television with this sort of nonsense. I don’t want it in my main source of enjoyment. Just like I am sure you wouldn’t want vulgarities toward you put in game.

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Again I say “At what point is it ~good enough~”? Would it be new characters or existing ones and how overt does it need to be in order to qualify? For reference you’d never know I was bi if you met me irl but I am.

Well actually having a major character would be a good start. Personally with how many character get add per expansion having a few would be awesome.

Why not both? We dont know the sexuality of most character in WoW. As for the question of overt, I’d say as overt as when straight WoW character are presented.

Which is to say, you normally learn about it from quests, flavor text etc. Or if you important enough to plot/popular enough it gets fleshed out in Books/comics


It’s all so tiresome, if Overwatch and Harry potter are any indication (the series, not the character) They’ll just be like “Oh yeah, Ms VC is gay now.”