LGBT+ History Month

More virtue signalling!

Let’s leave gender politics out of WoW.
Seriously, why? There’s no need for it.
Why must we try to ruin everything because of real life?
It’s a fantasy game, who cares if they have one thing or another.
Leave it alone and move on.
Do you yearn for acceptance so much that you have to try and force it down everyone’s throat?

Not only would this be bad for business, but there’s a reason Hollywood has seen a steady decline in sales lately, wanna know why? Because gender politics.
Get woke, go broke.
People, myself included, don’t feel like having stuff forced down our throats, and if this is the route they took, I’m sure a lot of people would hit that unsubscribe button.


Let’s be real for a moment, the only natural relationship are Raden and MOTHER’s, the other “couples” are all abominations.

They gave us blood elf males a long time ago.

/heads off to Spotify
:musical_note:Diamond Girl - you sure do shine :musical_note:

It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with people having less discretionary spending at all. /eye roll. But that’s a whole other conversation. If “gender politics” and diversity were such a reason for poor ticket sales, Captain Marvel and Black Panther wouldn’t have done so well in the theaters. They weren’t even that good, but still people flocked to see it in enough numbers that sequels were easily green lighted - because certain demographic groups were eager for representation.

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Isn’t this representation? The rainbow is the colors right?

Hate to tell you this, but they didn’t do so well because of gender politics. They did well because of the brand. They were released at a point where Marvel movies were a guaranteed hit. Why, because Fanboys.

Oceans, Ghostbusters, 007, and many more have failed hard because people are sick of the woke movement being forced on them.

Hollywood is also stick of it and it will shift. Problem is, movies take a long time to make, so they still have to pump out this garbage because they are already committed.

Look at Gillette. They lost billionsv in revenue because they forced their wokeness on to their demographic.

I promise you, Marvel movies are going to start taking a hit as well.

Even fans are asking for captain Marvel to be replaced with someone of ethic, and LGBT standing, but not because of equality. But rather because they want to shut Larson up and give her a taste of her own medicine.

So you are in fact, wrong.


I just don’t understand why everything must have LGBT+ in it. Why do you need to be represented in the game? The game simply isn’t about you or me or anyone else. I mean why would anyone care about this at all? It just seems so silly to say “I need to be represented in my favorite game”. I don’t feel represented in WoW either and it could not be any less important.


Wrathion and Anduin already achieved your goal. You know the cinematic is not the only time they got rough :wink:

I want more Eastern European, straight representation. Nay. I demand it. Or else Blizzard are bigots!

You should also be able to play as a character in a wheel chair, and my gosh why can’t we choose our pronouns yet? When will a non binary gender be added? I wonder what the development would cost to add a story line or other representation for every single type of person in the world. Also wonder how long that would take to develop…and how big the game file would be.

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It isn’t asking for much to want something like that in a game as vast and broad as WoW. For the most part what many are asking for is something really simple and wouldn’t impact the majority of players who have issue with it.

That’s a false statement considering the numerous NPCs named after real life people. Would it change your opinion to know the character Crusader Bridenbrad is based on a real person who died? I can’t help but roll my eyes at people who say they don’t want real life in WoW. Not much more real life then a representation of a person dying of an incurable disease.

It might mean something to a young kid growing up. This is an RPG so it would be nice to see someone who you think is just like you.

That’s just you though. The game appeals to a large variety of people and it’s not unexpected for people to ask for things like this.

Video games are often about us because we are the ones playing the characters. It doesn’t matter if you are playing Mario or a character you created. We aren’t sitting back and watching a movie so the experience becomes more personal.

That’s not the same as the topic, because a disability is something someone can’t change about himself, like biological traits.

Franticly looking for the awkward button to press. Can we get an awkward button next to the like?

Being a trans individual, I had a full on trip when I first heard the pandaren with the swapped gendertypical voice. A little crude but tbh it did it for me :laughing:

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What he’s saying is, there is literally no need for it just to make others feel special.

Who cares. Let us enjoy our game without having to ruin it with your call to arms against everything that is not woke.


In most cases of people with a disability, they don’t want any recognition or to be differentiated in any way, they actually hate being noticed for their disability.

And he wishes this was one of those cases. So do the majority of us.

I agree, we shouldn’t be celebrating life choices just because those it refers to want attention.

I pumped my gas this morning and stopped it at $25.00 on the mark, I didn’t have to do that, but I did, and I’m not asking for an award.

In other news. I tied my shoes as well, and nobody clapped.


It’s a video game for a couple hours of entertainment please don’t force real life into people’s fun relief. Thanks appreciate it.

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