LGBT+ History Month

I really wnat to like you a picture of what his dingo would look like but ive been banned enough.
All im trying to say is i cant wait to mine those diamonds to make diamond swords.

Also, would that make you a Diamond Girl? Now the song is in my head.

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Okay boomer… that taste in music is pretty much a war crime now. thnx bud.
i was making a minecraft meme.

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It most certainly is.

It is really quite telling that this post was flagged by the community, when all it was doing was suggesting that Blizzard, an ostensibly progressive and inclusive game developer, includes in its most popular game some LGBTQ+ representation in the month of the year dedicated to recognizing and celebrating LGBTQ+ persons.

I love this game, but sometimes I don’t understand how dismissive the community can be of things they disagree with, especially when it would have little impact on the gameplay or the larger narrative of the world.


The quote is from me, speaking about things I have actually dealt with in my time as a foster parent. Go back and read the entire bit - not just the part about the African American child. You evidently need to since you missed the one about the child with Asperger’s. Then come back and explain how it’s racist that traumatized children get to see examples of how they’re normal and can have the same opportunities that everyone else has. And if you still can’t see that, go do something creative with your anatomy. As I said in the full text of that post, it’s not about me… I view these things through the lens of a parent trying to ensure the children who have come through my home just might possibly encounter a more inclusive and understanding world when they venture forward from my door.


How about something in between? Like Elsa?

Oh wait that isn’t right…

As has been my experience…add someone gay, regardless of how low-key or flamboyant, and people start getting angry about politics and propaganda.

Remember, to a good chunk of the player base, ANY representation is “bad” or “forced”. :rage:

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Why? For what? What does this do for anyone? For one I am of color (wether you believe it or not) and I want 0 representation of History Month in this game… (Assuming you are talking about Black History Month).

I think most people ( give or take 80%) play this game to get away from any real world issues or problems in this game. We don’t need to bring real world things into a fantasy game period…


No but more seriously, I am a pan-sexual and I would really like to see some pot and pans story telling in the game… I mean come on guys it’s about time we got some pan action :roll_eyes:

Couldn’t agree more, they should all be aromantic like me. Malfurion, Tyrande, Thrall, Aggra, Alleria, Turalyon, Sylvanas Nathanos (or any other relationship not mentioned, which is a lot) shouldn’t exist in my fantasy game!

Why not?

It allows people to better identify with characters? I recall A LONG time ago when Warcraft was a boys club. The RTS had at best a few name Female NPC. It wouldnt even be until Warcraft 3 before we had female units(in the case of the Horde, no female unit at all).

Skip to WoW and now you can play which ever gender you prefer and WoW lore has plenty of female lore figures.

Black history month obvious does not work with WoW setting. Having gay characters/asians/black etc however does. And adding more things, cultural things make WoW that much better.

I was always glad Blizzard managed to add abit of flavor text about Bakunawa in Hearthstone and Tikbalang in WoW, regardless of How minor.

That is stupid, if anything fantasy is a great way to help us examine our world and experience things with little to no physical stakes.

Warcraft as a series has been tackling alot of real life dilemma for as long as at least Warcraft 3(racism, sexism, defining what is an acceptable reason to fight etc).


what wold it bring into the game that would enrich the game or expand the lore?


Anyone else ever get tired of this getting thrown around? As if everyone doesn’t have their own struggles. Like seriously way to invalidate everyones issues just because they are not a minority. They should seriously take away the victim card away from anyone that uses this word.


Another take on threads like this:

Let us say that I started playing a game, where all of the characters were Lesbian/Gay/Whatever. Perhaps the people who made the MMORPG, all were one of those things.

Then let us say that I posted to the forums, for that game:

“Hey, how about some diversity and have a bunch of straight characters?”

See, it is kind of missing the point.


Funny thing is. I bet that would cause riots. You would get so much backlash for that request it isn’t even funny. It would be a total How dare you moment.

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whoa guys… I left for like… not that long and this suddenly isn’t about corgis anymore.

Let’s get back on track people.

Yes. I concur.


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Corgi or Corky?

I just wanted to link the song and pulled a connection out of my butt to make it happen.

Pretty sure Anduin/Wrathion’s a thing. Or at least heavily hinted at without China censors getting triggered. I wouldn’t mind tbh.
Statistically speaking, if you looked at a room of twently randomly picked people, at least three of them will be on some spectrum of LGBT+ When you have a robust game of well over a thousand+ npcs, There’s bound to be some manner of LGBT+ characters that would naturally crop up, whether it’s a leading/prominent roll or just a questie npc. I think I can count on one hand the tiny snippets of lgbt+ npcs existing in game.

(Also, the question of if it’s “forced” or not depends more about tact and good writing. Not whether they’re LGBT+ or anything. Poorly written female character? “ugh forced representation!” Poorly written black character? “ugh another case of forced representation” poorly written white male? “We can maturely discuss the pitfalls of bad writing and game design without accusing the character’s gender or skin colour as being the problem. Yes indeed. I say. Quite.” )

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