LGBT+ History Month

Kobold and Candle.

If it wasn’t for us, they’d be happily living their lives, but we get in the way.


as a bisexual person i really want blizzard to stay far away from all lgbtq+.
they cant even do straight romance correctly. I dont want them mucking that up.


Nope. You aren’t.

Thank you for wanting to take care of those kids.

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The answer to these questions is: freewill.

I appreciate that this thread devolved into gay vs gay in part because apparently some people aren’t gay enough.

To establish dominance homosexuals bicker for the spot of alpha.


Arren and Tholo. There are also two NPCs at the Argent Colliseum. And whatshisface with all.the books which state outright he is not only LGBTQ+ but interspecies as well.

The issue is shippers. They want “representation” which isn’t a bad thing. But it seems as if stereotypical flamboyancy is the only thing they’ll accept. And as a straight dude who knows plenty of LGBT peeps, I find that stereotype remarkably offensive.


I didn’t know about them I’ll be in the look out ty! I’m doing Loremaster on this character and my Priest Alliance side!

As to the other point LGBTQ individuals come in a diverse way of personalities so I wouldn’t begrudge Blizzards effort by displaying one or another, nor am I personally asking for relationships just confirmed characters maybe they state as such in quest text of past relationships, but someone I might see often, like Lillian Voss she’s not a faction leader but she’s intricate to the story and I like her. If that makes sense. Someone on that level would be cool for me to see, and get quests from etc.

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At this point it’s just spam.



and i still don’t really have an answer.
what you responded with, seemed to be rather nonsensical, and somewhat self-absorbed.
you want to take an aspect of the real world, and intertwine it into a fantasy game… but you don’t seem to have a viable reason for wanting to do that.

Very few people would feel “represented” on a real world level within the game.
I’m just trying to understand why some people see themselves as more important than others… why they seem to think that they’re more worthy of representation, while everyone else is just happy to leave the real world at the login screen.

how about paraplegics? …or the elderly?
where is their representation?

non-straight couples say that too…
if they mention a name, the person they’re talking to has no idea who is being referenced… so they reference the persons role in their life, instead of their name.



hear me out. mechagnopmes have bionic legs…

I think this person wrote something better than I ever could.

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Since there are already LGBTQ characters currently in the game, what is it that the community wants? One of the main characters to be LGBTQ?

i personally just want people to not speak on behalf of the community… This isnt a hive mind. plus, companies try to act woke and its pretty disgusting when they force a fake gay relationship for social points.
cough cough * overwatch


I am here, my daughter, to spread the Scriptures of Elune from sea to shining sea. To purge the world of trolls and undead… to see the Empire restored. :alien:

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It should just be no big deal. We should just get over this already and have various people romancing various people and never even blink about it.

And if somebody doesn’t like it? Tough. You just include everyone and let the cranks go play Candy Crush.


if there are 2 npcs who spend their lives standing next to each other, it would make sense that they are either:

-in a work relationship
-in a personal relationship

so if they’re not related, and they don’t fall under the umbrella of an employment relationship, it seems incredibly judgy to assume they’re not life-partners.

i found that comparison to be completely racist, because it put the focus on skin colour.
children don’t see skin color… the only things children “know” about skin color, is what they hear from adults… and children will inevitably repeat stupid things which they hear adults say.

We’re expected to believe that the story is about the sad child who is made to feel different because of their skin color, when in reality, the story is about the things parents say around their children when they think nobody is listening.


what about biddies? or friends? or best pals forever?
maybe they are soilders who signed up together? helped in bootcamp? blood brothers in arms?
brother from another mother.

omg… You sparked my brain.

Romancing the Stone takes on an a whole new meaning now.