LGBT+ History Month

None of them. Every romance Blizzard has written has been cringeworthy to look at. They’re not romance writers. They should either hire real ones or stop trying. I never want to see another moment like “Tyrande, I need you” or another abomination like self-insert Nathanos + Sylvanas ever again.


MHP are the most holy and superior in all of Azeroth.

Barfs all over… Oh god I can never do Val again due to that quest line… sobs uncontrollably the pain the pain I can’t forget the voice…

All jokes aside WoW is a HORRIBLE medium for this kinda stuff because it has to appeal to such a wide audience with many different national and cultural backrounds. If WoW was a single player (or even co-op) RPG it could be better written and tailored (plus mods could help).

But don’t you want more “MALFURION MY LOVE, I’M COMING!” or “I used to sit beside him while he slept and coo over him” lol.



Oh ffs…


MHPs are aberrations. Almost as bad as trolls. Almost.

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We may already have a trans dragon (Chromie)

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You need to lay off those holy wafers how come every MHP has the most cringe posts …

I will drown you puppy stop forcing those night mare memories back on everyone. That is as bad as thrall wedding and I hated that.

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Don’t be jealous. You to can become one of the master race/class. It’s only a reroll away.

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Yes, night elf priests are only a reroll away.

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You’re a holy impostor.

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I have leveled an army of alts, her voice has made me numb… though at least in BfA she’s not a cry cry anymore. Not sure about her “The horde must die” approach because while I hate Sylvanas Thrall and to a degree (before he went crazy) Garrosh was a good war leader. Also if the horde goes kaput that will mean the Alliance will have to accept orcs, tauren, nightborn, goblins and even some of the peaceful forsaken (they exist!). If they went the genocide route they’d be no better than the first horde and we all know appearance matters to Alliance.

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Not sure what ya both on, but the master race is Draenei! WE HAVE THE WAGGLE.

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If blizzard ever adds proper cloth physics they’d be a top race for me but oh god do I HATE what they do to cloaks. Sadly we Vulpera also look terrible with cloaks but we make up for it with kickin dance moves and extreme fluff factor.

edit: I really wish likes weren’t such an annoying commodity of X per day. Time for me to vanish RL beckons.

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Please read my responses a little more carefully. I’m not here “demanding” anything. I am here with an understanding of why the OP is. And as I have said, I am also here with an understanding of why there is push back against the OP. My initial response in this thread started with me stating that inclusion should be “done correctly” and not just rammed in.

Again - I didn’t say I was repressed and excluded from “everything”,and even talked about change (a process that takes time). Frankly, I just said I and my children had faced mistreatment and left it at that. And no, some people “never come around” and in the time you’re waiting for that, are you expected to live as a second or third class citizen? Good grief, it’s like I’m back living in the South again with people telling blacks “you’ll be fine so long as you keep your place and don’t get noticed”. It’s wrong and people shouldn’t have to live that way.

So let’s get this absolutely clear: I don’t expect WoW to change. We can’t even get them to fix the numerous issues that never should have gone live in BfA. I wouldn’t have made this thread. But if you’re going to bother posting ANY response in a thread like this, it needs to be more than “shut up” and it needs a certain amount of compassion for what motivated the OP.

I’m a married gay man, a Native American with a tribal affiliation. I’m a foster parent who has provided a home to 32 children in need, and regretfully, there’s been many more I couldn’t take on. When I speak, it’s not about me, I’m fine. It’s about the people who aren’t ok. It’s “privilege” and presumptions to sit there and think that the person sitting next to you is in the same situation and equally as safe and protected. I won’t say most - that’s speaking for way too large a swathe of people - but MANY don’t have that privilege. Go and educate yourself on teen suicide and homelessness. LGBTQ youth are over represented in those areas, and always have been. Go volunteer in a shelter and explain to those kids how “people will come around”. Become a foster parent, and give a home to the trans kid who was discovered by their parent and then beaten so badly they were hospitalized, and explain to them how they just “put this beat down on straight people”. Sit there with the child with Asperger’s who goes and sees Drax in Guardians of the Galaxy and goes “he’s just like me”, or be the person who, when their little African American girl is crying because “black girls can’t be Captain America”, gets to show her the photo of the Danielle Cage version of Captain America and see her smile again because “the mean kids at school were wrong”. Representation means something.


Dreta does make Holy posts!

You already have 3 different types of elves.

Remember when posts like these were immediately removed and this nonsense shut down in favor of, you know, ACTUAL GAMEPLAY ISSUES???