LGBT+ History Month

Eh, drop Yrel in Durotar and let her have a crack at it. Can’t be worse than what’s there already.

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Well you see, he is a black dragon, that turns into a swarthy elf looking humanoid.

Does he have elf ears?

How about NO… smacks Dreata on the shoulder… whats to stop her from going after you next… Or Chelley… She a full blow bunny boiler pillock. Not to mention wind chime lover.

Damn it we need Illidan back

Silly draenei! She’s a Light zealot. Elune created the Prime Naaru. We’ll get along splendidly as soon as she submits to the will of Elune and offers a proper orc sacrifice to Her.

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Yeah you can keep that light crap thank you very MUCH the light has done nothing for me… beside i have a very respectable business in Booty Bay and Dalaran… why not talk to me about what YOU are missing…


No, it doesn’t, particularly when you blithely label them as “anti-diversity” for not being interested in the specific race/gender/sexuality-centered changes that you want.


Money is a tool used by evil, repent! :rofl:

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Year your moon beam is NO better especially if she made the wind chime.

Excuse me. Please give me all your money… I have an empire to restore. :alien:

Elune is your destiny.

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Woah now, elune gets her power from reflecting our glorious light. Dont mix things up, you’re sounding heretical.

You are the first to be purged if you question the sanctity of Elune. Human Potential™ will not save you, Champion™ of Azeroth™.


ladies, gentlemen, and non-binary buddies… this thread has gone astray again. Back to corgis please. keep it on topic.

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sure jan I see Blizzard adding LGBTQ characters via humans since they have already set the precedent for considering humans diverse as a whole.

The people on the wow forums simply aren’t representative of the changing times but in the end Blizzard will do the right thing :blue_heart: as they have in the past been very supportive of the LGBTQ on these very forums through blue posts etc. And humans being considered diverse… would include LGBTQ so I expect to see one and that is the ask and premise of the thread.

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Yrel had potential to be an interesting character but her “Join the light or die” mantra is pure NOPE from me. A real shame because when you first meet her she feels like a lost cause and by the time we leave her she’s a powerful symbol of hope. Then we revisit her for the Mag’har and she’s on a crusade of extermination.


backs away slowly and does the 4th wall break…

And this is why you never trust any light… Even more so when it says step into the light…

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As soon as these… humans… recognize the superiority of the elves and the holiness of Elune, we can get on track :slight_smile:

Hope the horde menace will end. :grin:

She’s doing her part. We must do ours.

Orc head. Moonwell. You know what to do, human.


Places Corgis on the ground and backs away.


Hey I main Horde Chracters but none of them are Orcs.