LGBT+ History Month

It was always nice just having one chilling like lizards are known to do

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Get a komodo dragon. Tame the mythical beast.

Don’t lose a hand.

Eh I’m not healthy enough to have anymore pets. Not for awhile anyway. I do miss rats but they have such a short life span

Not healthy enough, had rats.

Were they plague rats by chance? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Sorry to hear, hope its recoverable.

heh very funny. The rats have been gone for years.

actually komodos are non aggressive sure they can bite but unlike other reptiles theyre more mildly tempered and typically only as a sign of fear or feeling threatened which obviously would take a lot being theyre normally 5 to 6ft long they have few enemies

theyre like the grizzly bear of reptiles in that respect

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Oh come on, a 150lb dragon that runs 12mph and has a toxic bite.

It’s like a bm hunters dream.

Love it.

I can barely tolerate my room mate dog not cause I hate her but just due to the upbringing I had with 18 of them. I never was able to do the things normal teenage girls did as i was dragged to every dog show going. when I finally left home I was actually lost on what to do on the first weekend that was mine alone.

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We may be small but our money’s just as good

Reproduction isn’t the only purpose behind relationships, even romantic ones. If that were the case, everyone suffering from infertility should be single.

I wasn’t more than passingly interested in this thread - more representation in ALL aspects, not just LGBTQ, would only serve to enhance the fictional world, but I wouldn’t have made a “demand” post myself for it - but this is the only truly garbage response I have seen. I’m certain you don’t see it yourself, which is why I say this, but it’s not inaccurate to call this sort of response life threatening for a person just coming to grips with who they are.

Homosexual behavior, while not necessarily the predominant behavior in a species or social group, isn’t abnormal. It’s been widely documented throughout nature, in all vertebrate species. In cultures older than the current Western culture, it wasn’t viewed as anything special or to be hidden. In Native American cultures there’s the concept of “two-spirit”, and in Greek and Roman cultures, prior to the rise of Catholicism, homosexual romance was considered a rite of passage for young men before they went on to marry a woman. You’re speaking from an entirely too ignorant, limited, Western view point and it is EXACTLY this sort of thing that predisposes LGBT youth so heavily to depression and suicide. I’m not saying you should go and investigate your gay side by any means, nor am I saying that Blizzard should automatically go out and drum up some ridiculous homosexual character and shoe-horn it into the game, but we should all be cognizant of the messages being sent by media portrayals and their lack, and both the harm and good either can do. There is a reason shows like “Modern Family” and “The Fosters” exist and have thrived. There is a reason things like The Trevor Project exist. Please, PLEASE, consider your words and attitude with a little more care.

Truthfully, for the OP, the forums aren’t the greatest place to push for this sort of thing. It’s far to easy for the discussion to be called “off topic” and to be turned into something vile and ugly. You’d be better served sending your thoughts directly to Blizzard.


Found the goblin spy. :rofl:


If Wrathion turned out to be trans, that would be cool.

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Also the folks that pull the “statistics” card don’t seem to realize that’s dehumanizing as heck

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Yes. More yrel crusades.

I mean, would it even matter? He’s a dragon. He can just shapeshift at will.



ponders Wrathion being FtM Trans



Well, hes transspecies being a dragon and elf or whatever.

Also, just use your coin of many faces. Boom. Insta-transition without the side effects.


NO keep the bat s**t crazy one where she belongs. We have enough issues in Azeroth without her dropping in.

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I’m confused.

Naw we good.

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