LGBT+ History Month

Needs more corgi.

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how bout shibes?

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My mom used to care for a sugar glider for a couple weeks when I was a little one. This made me think of that. :slight_smile:

Yis. Such good babies

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I don’t want gay pride or straight pride months.

Just be who you are without expecting festivals and events.


Kinda reminds me of my first rat. Lizzie. A female one. My mom was freaked out by her at first but thankfully she warmed up to pet rats.

People tend to stop freaking out about them once they watch them eating something in their tiny hands or all the times they clean themselves. Or my fav. The sticking the nose in the humans ear and going “SNIFF SNIFF SNIFF SNIFF” so it tickles like crazy lol

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Let’s all take a moment to remember Star Trek’s most defining historical moment.

Not the first kiss of its kind on TV, but the most influential by far, in an era predominated by discrimination and true, nasty bigotry.

This was taking on an injustice and giving it the finger.

Win hearts and minds not by yelling the loudest and screaming your opponents’ moral faults at the heavens, but by daring to take pride in who you are and what you believe.

Roleplay is a fantastic tool for this. Write your character’s story, dare to display it in your TRPs and make yourself confident and known. A random NPC complaining about his dead husband and going on a quest for vengeance isn’t going to make any difference.


I still need to get that now that I know they’re doing DLC instead of just making another game

Praise be to Snom

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Ok, but if blizzard makes “Chelleybee’s happy day” microholiday, I expect you to be there. :grin:


You have an achievement? Special title? Maybe a fancy mog reward?

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Yeah. My mom has had tons of pets: rats, tarantula, pot bellied pig, lizards galore, parrots/cockatoos, ferrets, and the standard dogs and cats.

I am all petted-out

Working on that. Might have to fly to Austin and demand something while camping out on their orc statue.

“Chelly’s Burned Food”
Flavortext: Its almost as bad as Nomi’s!


Yes, comrade Chelleybee!


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I had a bearded dragon too if we’re talking “weird” pets. Feeding him was tricky because I have a very bad irrational fear of crickets. Thankfully I just had to go to the petsmart. Have the crickets in a baggie. Pour some vitamin powder on them then dump them into his tank.

Seriously my fear of crickets can be so bad that if I get ready to take a shower and there’s one in the shower I just nope the heck out til it leaves or someone kills it

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We don’t use words like that 'round 'ere, friend. Poor associations, see. :frowning:

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I know right!

How about a good UK pub crawl. But were going to need about 20 male npcs and 10 females npcs out front fighting like they do in Manchester every Friday and Saturday night and the standard stand around cop watching and a the A&E checking on the passed out.


Im down 100%

We bred beardies. Had lots of them. She still has one now

Mealworms, crickets, leaves powdered with some formula that was “I don’t know what”.

I routinely had them sitting on my head of shoulder when I was doing homework or playing video games as a yougin’

Oh and crickets roaming around. I got used to it after a while…
