LFR Loot - Needing to DE

I disagree. LFR loot is such low ilvl that you can do m+ more quickly and effeciently if you’re trying to gear up. People coming into LFR with high gear levels are doing so because they are usually looking for T-Mog pieces or some quick gold. They end up carrying half the raid, then are entitled to none of the loot because the people there don’t seem to understand that there’s other routes to gear yourself? Nah, that’s rediculous. I was over LFR ilvl without ever stepping foot into a raid or a Mythic before the raids even released. So that line of thinking that just because someone already has something at a higher ilvl doesn’t deserve to roll on it doesn’t pan out.

I will say this though, putting group loot in LFR was a bad idea in the first place. Any queable content should have just remained under the personal loot system to avoid this kind of drama.

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Pretty much.

People can get 385+ gear from crafting and storms, anyone who says LFR is their only source for gear is lying.