LFR in 9.0

Im earning that gear in Retail WoW BFA instead thanks!

I would have deleted that too.

Nah i did it by mistake feels good playing the real wow over here :slight_smile:.

Yeah, alright.

Im happy that your happy playing real wow. I just got tired of being hit in the face with epics just for logging in, I didnt have enough hands to catch it all flying at me.

I always enjoyed earning stuff, it’s not for everyone. :wink:

I been earning everything from day one of WoW your reaching here.

Oh, cool. Keep fighting the good fight.

clearly you dont.

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When have you ever received an epic for logging in? Oh that’s hyperbole… Gotcha


Imagine getting smug over “earning” things in a video game.

Real life is waiting and has actual things of value to earn.


You honestly do not want me in your raid group. I do LFR because of a disability and extremely bad eye sight. I do LFR because the mechanics have been reduced down to a level I can deal with them. So please leave LFR alone. I do it to see the story and to progress on quest chains that require it.


Good one! You’re powers of troll are strong, friend!

As a counter point let me just say…
“no u”

The problem is not that there is content for people who literally can’t raid; not everything in an MMO has to be “hard core”, and many different kinds of people play this game.

The problem is that, instead of coming up with content for this group of players, they instead took higher level stuff, nerfed it to death, and tossed it down to said group.

This is a problem, because this interferes with actual raiding. People do LFR, think they’ve seen/done the raid, and then go about their business… meaning that the pool of raiders has shrunk over time.

This isn’t to mention that LFR gear, by it’s very nature, lowers the value of equivalent gear from other sources.

Are you saying it’s easy? I tried an LFR Orgozoa (spl). Worst time I’ve had since Durumu.

On this main, I try to steer well away from LFR as much as possible. I only ever ran it to help a guildie get a fast queue.

I would argue that if LFR was enough to deter someone from joining an organized raid group, they never really wanted to join said group to begin with.


Interesting point. Let me clarify.

I don’t think LFR deters them, in the sense that they see LFR and think “man, that was tough, I don’t want to go higher”.

I think they see LFR, complete it without having to do any of the other things that actually comprise raiding, and think “Oh, that was raiding… okay, I’ve done that.”

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LFR is fine, it doesn’t need to be dumbed down any more by allowing you to do it with a raid filled with bots.

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Wrong and No.

If you don’t like LFR then don’t do LFR.

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The problem isn’t wall-to-wall.

The issue isn’t LFR itself; the issue is the effect LFR has on the rest of the game.

So… right and yes.

I am one of the one that will not join an organized raid group to begin with. The person you replied to skipped over the major point of my post and it wasn’t about story and quests.

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No it doesn’t. People who run LFR have ZERO affect on my game play in Normal and Heroic raidng.

LFR gear is below World quest gear.

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