(Updated 1/10/25)
Looking to raid one night a week?
Do you occasionally stand in fire?
Have you face-pulled a boss?
Then Envy is the home for you!
Gen X player returning to Retail and looking for like minded players to build a small guild together and prepare for 11.1.
Currently looking for social players who want to raid(normal, maybe some heroic) one night a week and do whatever the rest of the week.
No extensive requirements for Raid, if you execute rotations perfect, fine, if you are like me and don’t have that reaction time as you did 10 yrs ago, that is fine too.
Quick Guild Info:
Cross-Faction Guild
Need Healers - Druid, Paladin and/or Priest
Need Dps - Druid, Demon Hunter, Monk and/or Rogue
Need Officers/Members
Tentative Raid Time: Tuesdays 8pm EST
Bring a sense of humor.
Contact: BNET- Izacaught#1831 or Search ‘Envy’ via Guild Finder in game, Leader = Brutikus, Realm = Dalaran
About the GM:
WoW player since '05 including 5 years of Classic.
Raid guild history- Mega guilds, Semi-Hardcore Raid, Casual etc…
Computer geek who loves sports and not easily offended.
This sounds like a great fit for me,
Request sent for more info!
Looking for more to join the ranks!
Yes, yes, and yes! Also Gen X, I’ll look you up this afternoon.
Still looking for more to fill up our raiding team!
I would be down I like what I’m reading but I work graveyard and can only raid mornings. I’m PST I’m available 9am-3-4pm daily if something changes please hit me up I’m a i618 Prot Warrior Tank I’m drama free and chill.
My BT: HâVøÇ#1618
Discord: hav0c3870
If your raid times change my like an hour later let me know in very interested in helping a newer guild
Still looking for a few more people!
whats your current need?
I am a returning Tank, have aotc previous expacs, stopped playing since BFA.
I would be interested in a new guild to experience the content fresh, it wouldnt be fun for me to just join a guild and get carried to AOTC or through any fights
bnet: adilg#2121
Hello Truest,
We need helaers and Dps(particularly melee)
Hey Dhovakin,
We have 2 main tanks already. We are looking for melee dps and having a tank off-spec would be nice. We are also looking for healers at this time.
Let me or Brutikus know if this sounds like a good fit!
Sounds like something I’ve been looking for. If you’re in need of a rogue I’d like to join. Don’t know why Blizz is showing an outdated name though, it’s Beyrin - Trollbane
Hello Beyrin(aka Avren),
You can contact myself or Geargoon or for an easier way search for the guild Envy on the Dalaran realm in game and apply.
Will do! Thanks!
Still looking for a few more dps!
Are you all raiding tonight? Need melee or ranged more?
We will be doing some type of shenanigans tonight.
Still looking for more dps!
thats fine, i can play ret off, main prot np, adilg#2121 add me on bnet and maybe we can work something out