Updated the op reflecting current class needs. Also the guild is taking a free transfer off of area 52 due to 2+ hour que times. We are on our way to Hyjal
Looking for a couple more!
could use a resto druid/holy pally and a bunch of dps!
A swing tank for m+ would be pretty awesome too
Looking for more!
Hello im interested in joining ur raid team 183 ilvl Destro lock BTAG Kordron#11845 returning veteran player PST
Added you to bnet
Looking for more!
Hi there, myself (185 rdruid) and a good friend of mine (Orstha — https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/azgalor/orstha — 179 havoc) are looking for a heroic team. We’re ex mythic raiders who want to take shadowlands in a more casual setting. We were just wondering one thing: are we required to server transfer to join the team, or are you guys open to cross server groups? Feel free to get in touch with me at BNET Cantabile#11745 to talk details!
Sorry for the late response! Added you to bnet to talk
Looking for more dps
Could use a few more big hitters
Good morning!
I am looking for a good group of folks to raid with. Former Hardcore raider turned casual and looking to stay slightly casual with some progression.
ATM I main rogue and have a Frost/Unholy dk. 187 and 181 ilvls respectively.
Btag is SilentSniper#1159.
Added you to bnet. Message me if I dont get to you first =)
Looking for more dps!
Updated op to reflect current class needs.
Merry christmas!
Need some of that DPS
Good evening, MM hunter looking for a Sat/Sun (any time) raid.
I do have CE from Ny’alotha, but mostly looking to AOTC with casual Mythic raiding mindset. Both my available time and mindset seems to match this guild, judging from the OP.
Can server transfer.
Am in my 40s, been playing since TBC.
Sent friend request on discord. Hope to hear from you soon!
Edit: Bnet is Aohige#1412
Was nice playing with you tonight! Welcome aboard.