LFM for Alliance 🆃🆆🅸🅽🅺 BG crew [51-59]

I love twinking.

Twinking makes the game feel so gratifyingly rewarding to play in terms of PvP at much less of the cost of having to spend time obtaining the best gear at max level. If you were unaware essentially you get access to basically all the BiS green items of 129 ilvl on the AH at level 56 and then the weapon(s) at 57. From there you enchant all your gear and then you’re pretty much are at max power out until you level to 60. Gotta say it’s nice being able to swap between covenants between q pops and suffer no penalty for it. You still play with the people leveling with battlegrounds but rather spec queue into 3 preferred maps (WSG, Twin Peaks, Temple) and go from there. The exp gains from that are very small and you can nearly play a week straight all day before leveling out.

So, I’m looking to have more fun doing exactly this but with people in voice comm’s for the next conceivably long while. All you need is a level 50 on your hands and about 6 hours to level to 56 then you’re set with less than most likely 10k g for everything you need to start pwning. I’ve done this already on a Rogue (now 60), a Hunter (59), and a Warrior (58), and am spending the time today leveling a monk to 56. It’s a short grind but so worth it compared to getting gear to compete at max level.

That all being said, I’m looking for others to join me on Discord in an epic slaughter-fest of noobs with our suped-up green gear that people are very much unaware of.

So much fun for those that fell behind on the gear scale and want to still have an edge on the competition in a slightly less dramatic arena!

Post here for further information; I will remain active here.

Happy ‘twinking’ in 2021~! :^)

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I think you can turn experience gains off. So you can get BiS gear for maximum twinking. Not sure it’s still in the game or not.

It is, but it puts you in a dead queue.

WSG, TP and Temple are exactly what I queue for at 60 :slight_smile: no seething or deepwind for this guy

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Oh? Do you just queue with others that lock their exp?

Yes, and I don’t think there’s enough people who do this in most higher brackets that it’s just non-existent.

with the exception of enchants what you’re describing its exactly the same as partysyncing a 60 into 51-59.

Wouldn’t 50s be more fun and put you in with the people that havent purchased shadowlands? Get that 30% vers and secondaries and azerite traits

playing all night long if anyone wants in! Have a rogue w/ me now

I used to twink a lot in cata - mop, doing BGs now being 227 ilvl really brings back the feel of the twinking days especially being a stupidly busted class where I can enter a 1v5 and come out standing.

Before people flame me for doing bgs: I’m queuing with friends and doing achievements ^^

playing all day/night today again so please HMU here or at Ðeffy#1211

I think I’m going to be playing 20 level characters on a few classes.

I see you every now and then when I que after work. I’ll msg you or see you in bgs tonight.

whats wrong with that, max bracket is mayhem with premades of top ilvl/fully enchanted raid-guild groups, at this point in the patch if you just want to do casual bgs, you’re screwed.