LFM 2/10 Mythic Team

Raid times: Sundays 6 to 10 PM eastern/server

Currently 9/10 Normal 10/10 Heroic 2/10 Mythic

We are looking for 3 to 4 solid dps capable of high sustainable numbers to fill our Mythic raid team. We are also lookong for extras to fill in case of absences or to begin rotating people through raid for kills and gear as the main team fills on usable loot.

We are interested in finding an Affliction Warlock, Shadow Priest and Mage.

We provide flask, pots and occasionally vantus runes.

What we expect:

  1. Know your class and play it well.
  2. Know fights and mechanics before hand and require little coaching to be at same level as the group.
  3. Pug throughout the week for any gear that cannot be achieved through guild content.
  4. Bring your own pots, oils, armor kits.
  5. Be on time.
  6. Be respectful.
  7. Dont rage quit or be mad if we hit the wall or you are asked to step out on a pull. (Talk to us after the raid. We will make time for you.)

What you can expect:

  1. A solid team of players who are capable of clearing content and learning new fights.
  2. Occasional alt raids conducted with other guilds ranging from normal to heroic clears.
  3. A respectful environment.
  4. Occasional M+ runs. We will at least help you get your weekly vault at the least.
  5. Remember our name is part timers for a reason. We all have jobs, kids, lives. Thats why we raid one day only. Any other days are not mandatory.

Please add me on disc to chat or get a guild invite. Please note we trial before asking anyone to commit to guild to make sure we vibe together.


Looking forward to meeting some great people and great players!

Hello again

Hey there.

Looking for more

Hello there

Once again

Hey there.

Hello again

Still lookong for more

Sent you a discord friend request, can chat as soon as you accept it.

I replied. I work nights, so may take us some time to catch each other. Here is our GM’s Disc so you have another way to reach us. Neil#4199

Hello again