LFGuild: iLevel 373 Ret Pally

Hi -

I am an active player looking for a home. I would love to run mythic raids and dungeons with a consistent group. I am also highly end game capable and coachable. I know I have work to do, but I am willing to learn.

For context, I led a World Top 100 guild in Vanilla. Got through most of 40 Man Naxxramas. Currently back at school and hanging out/have time to see shiny objects with fun people. Older and calmer than 13 years ago but still love to pretend I got the magicks.


Animosity is a heroic raiding guild. We also do mythic+ dungeons frequently (nightly). If you are interested in end-game content, we can do that for you. We are active in the evenings (Central time).

We do have alot of ret paladins and melee DPS in general, so you might have to compete more for attention and DPS in that case. However, I’d be happy to get you an invite so you can check us out.

add me: Piratejimm#1130

I feel like we might have chatted the other day…

accurate, sadly my hours are UK.