LFG encourages FOTM

Good luck being invited anywhere if you’re unfortunate enough to play an unpopular class. You have to spend hours to join a low CR group.

Solo queue can’t come soon enough to rid us of this awful meta-chasing mentality finally. You get what you get, and that’s how it should be.

The only reason I always see against the idea is because of “Guardian druids.” How about you balance that freakin class instead of forcing us to use a broken tool?


You know what’s even better than solo que? Non rating locked gear. So you can que at whatever Cr for fun with friends and get max rewards. Literally in wod I played every spec in every comp in every cr. DF can’t come soon enough.


Make your own group.


Yeah. That can’t come soon enough

To have to type strategies and all that? No thank you. At least with a solo queue, there would be no expectation of leadership.

The fact that (very minimal yet very impactful) changes are coming is such a good thing, it almost offsets my animosity towards blizz for offering it up as content as part of DF, almost

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But but …why are so many players leaving… The looking for group system is amazing and everybody loves it …

Said the D-bag who thought this was all such a great idea.

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I still don’t get why we can’t have WoD style gearing now if that’s what is being changed to in DF anyways.


Selling feature. Dumb reason, but 100% makes sense.

create you own group././

Mic drop!

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yeah its uber cringe in the RBG bracket.

seen some of these kids wait there for hours trying to find a bear druid when they have like 50 other tanks sign up. they act like they r doing hero games at 1400 mmr

people will ignore a good player on a crappy class for a crappy player on a good class

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It’s very frustrating. But it’s nice whenever you end up against a team that decided to decline you, only to crush them.

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