LFG for my daughter and myself

I have a 400 Frost Mage 4/9 H and 9/9 N and a 393 Destro Warlock,2/9 H 4/9 N leveling thru normal as she was my alt and was leveling her for my guild which I transferred to Saurfang for… and then the whole guild quit and went to go play Elder Scrolls…So after paying for 6 toons to move we were kind of bummed to be out of a guild after 1.5 months… my daughter has a 390 something Demon hunter and Im not sure the level of her Mage or Shadow Priest but she is leveling those up also. We are looking for a good solid group guild that still has that community “feel” Like vanilla days. We would lilke to raid twice a week and would love a progression guild. One that actually is Social at the same time. We are both currently on Saurfang as even tho we are american we raid at 3am our time We would be willing to once again transfer if we could find the right guild that is social still likes to have fun and still wants to progress in raiding and M+ Dungeons.

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damn why do you raid so… late/early

my daughter works nights so gets home at 1am her time which is 3am my time and I wake up at 3am… est

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oh fair enough :slight_smile:

Hey We are currently recruiting on Frostmourne [A]. Main raids are twice a week on Sat/Sun 7pm-11pm server time. We would have room for both you and your daughter in our core raid team. We are progression focused but have been slowed down a bit in BoD due to having to pug a fair part of raid team as we scale up to a full roster.

We have taken in quite a few good new recruits over the past couple of weeks and we are currently running daily M+ runs to ensure everybody gets their weekly 10 chest at the least. We also encourage alt play to allow for flexibility in our roster and help gear alts regularly. Tomorrow night we are running an optional normal BoD to gear up some new members and alts to use an example. I’d like to think our community is one of the better ones i’ve experienced in a couple of expansions due to people usually on comms most evenings to have a laugh with whilst doing the daily grind.

Hit me up on on bnet if you would like to discuss further my btag is sephiroth#2825, if not then I wish you all the best with your guild search :slight_smile: If you would prefer to try before you buy then by all means come and raid with us in the alt raid tomorrow or on our main raids this weekend and give us a trial.

I sent a friend request Id love to try you out before paying to switch 6 toons… I do have the ping issue but it hasn’t been too bad :slight_smile: ty for your response hope to hear from you

Great, if you could send me a message as I have had quite a few requests recently, mostly M+ ppl, we can chat furter. I’ll follow up this evening when I get home from work. Speak to you soon :slight_smile:

Well went with a guild today but obviously not a fit for either of us… too elitist for us sooooo We are still looking for a guild really want to stress we don’t want an “elitist” guild that is so serious about raiding. I want a progression guild but one that still likes to have fun and is willing to help other players especially improving as I would do for others! It is just a game and it should be fun… not all so serious and kicking ppl even politely it is really sad what this game has turned into maybe it is just time to move on to another game like my last guild did… I play to have fun and want a good old vanilla guild I am beginning to think they dont exist anymore… if you are out there we are willing to transfer servers

I’m sorry but I’ve tried to be nice and bite my tongue but publicly insulting our guild is just one step too far. We are in no way elitist, I hate elitist people which is why this has upset me so much.

We were polite in letting you go and at no times did anybody show you disrespect. We even wiped on Conclave about 10 times to give you ample opportunity to adjust. We believe in giving people a fair go but not at the expense of destroying everybody else in the raids fun at the same time. Both you and your daughter averaged sub 5k dps and constantly caused us to wipe on Conclave (eg spreading hexes, not dodging frogs). We downed the boss in one shot after the raid leader made the call to drop you and it was the right call, unfortunately hard decisions have to be some times.

I’ll say it again good luck with your guild search but please do not come back on here and bad mouth other people when we were clearly not the issue.


You are the one who just called out your own guild not I… I never stated a name of a guild or who it was… anyone could have been the guild I was talking about… but now they do know it was you… and yes kicking us even politely was rude… I dont care how you go about it but people have off days you forget one we are in america and dealing with pings in excess of 300 most days sometimes up to 1k! so on that day ping was crazy and we were getting hit by frogs I have done that fight many times and never been hit by a frog no one gave a warning just sorry we are kicking you and gone… and that was that… but you my friend are the only one who called out your guild I PURPOSELY did not state the guild… because I am polite… and its fine if you are an elitist guild that is your prerogative there are many out there who are serious about raiding and dont want to take the time and help others out they only care about their own agenda… thats cool… just not what we are looking for we want a real communiity guild that plays for FUN not just to be the best but to help each other get better… theres a difference

Dropbears of Funk are always looking for good players. Reliable ones.

We raid 7.30-10.30pm Wednesday and Thursday server time.

On Barth

Contact me in game if interested

If you two are still looking hit me up

Hi there, give us a look if you’re interested, we only raid once per week and are not quite at progression stage but progression is something we will be looking at once a full team is established.

laughs. . . .

I recently joined a guild on dalaran been guildless for a long we have a sister guild how raids and does progression stuff I’m in more of the social part of the guild and I mostly run pvp guilds pretty active there are girls and guys alike they raid evenings not sure of the time but the guild is called born of sin on dalaran I’d say check then out maybe you’ll find something there the leads name is lochy I’ve enjoy it enough I’ll probably transfer a toon over

Not sure if youre still looking but…

[A - Saurfang] Cryptic: Active Raiding & PvP guild recruiting more members who are interested in Raiding, FUNgeons (Fun Dungeons for those that dont know), PvP etc.

Socials, casuals and levelers always welcome.

Raid nights are Mon & Wed. 7:30 - 10:30 PM ST.
Current Prog as of 23/6/19: 9/9H BoD, 2/2N 1/2H CoS
Recruiting specifically DPS and Tanks.

PvP Madness Saturday nights 8PM ST onwards.
- Includes: warmode adventures, premade random BGs, Rated BGs, and a lot of drinking

Mythic+'s and Arenas are run throughout the week.

Find us ingame via /who cryptic or msg me directly on Kaleiya.

Hope you have an awesome day!