LFG Faerlina/Herod Alliance

Looking for a guild on Faerlina Alliance. Rolling Mage first then hunter or maybe paladin

Ascended is a relaxed classic wow Guild. We will be rolling Alliance on ~Faerlina~Pvp-EST. We have a lot of experience playing previously on private servers together, and are inviting new members to continue and recreate that vanilla experience in World of Warcraft Classic!

All classes are welcome, leadership role will be made available after launch to those members that fit the gaps made as we expand.

All classes and specs are welcome, so bring your friends!

We understand the majority of the playerbase is much older and more mature in their personal lives, therefore we will be pushing into endgame content at a pace that reflects that on weekday evenings.

Thank you for becoming a part of our crew, and we look forward to anything you want to share or discuss here leading up to launch day!

Hey Illidanwho,

We need a couple more mages to fill out our raid group. Take a look at our recruitment post below if a 7-10pm EST raid schedule would work for you!

[A] [PVP] [Faerlina] - Raid times Friday/Saturday 8pm-11pm.

Have room for some more dps. Add me on either discord (Unarii#8717) or Bnet (lissona#1463) if you want more info.

Hey Illidanwho

I have a group of friends that have played together for a while. We’re a weekend raiding group Fri, Sat, Sun who will do bgs outside of raids. Raid leader has retail Naxx exp and the Main Tank/Guild Lead was 11/15 in vanilla and has since killed KT on private servers.

We’d love to have you join us. We have a handful of guys who are no-life leveling within the first few weeks but we expect to be pretty similar to you in hours after that.

Discord Alcybe#4544 or Btag is Dan#13780